英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 17:09:03



英 [ˈlɪŋgwəl]

美 [ˈlɪŋɡwəl]



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副词: lingually

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. a consonant that is produced with the tongue and other speech organs


1. pertaining to or resembling or lying near the tongue

e.g. lingual inflammation
the lingual surface of the teeth

2. consisting of or related to language

e.g. linguistic behavior
a linguistic atlas
lingual diversity

Synonym: linguistic

1. lingual

1. 舌侧:如果患者清洁不利的话)后来经由美国的医师Dr.Kurz的近一步推广(因为语言的关系-英文为沟通主流)使得在日本称为里侧(inside)矫正的舌侧(lingual)矫正广为人知,而其所研发的矫正器亦改良了有七代之多,

2. 语言的:lingua 舌 | lingual 语言的 | linguaphone 灵格风

3. 舌面:颊面 Buccal | 舌面 Lingual | 腭面 Palatal

4. 舌侧的:Lactobacillus casei 干酪乳酸杆菌 | lingual 舌侧的 | labial 唇侧的

Feeling good about answering the first two right thus far, I respond confidently, "mono-lingual, of course."(前面两个都答对了,因此我胸有成竹地说,“当然是一语学习者”)
Objective:To discuss the frequency and anatomical structure of lingual vascular canal of mandible.(目的:探讨下颌骨舌侧管的发生频率和解剖结构。)
There are currently not enough hooks available in PDE to make multi-lingual plug-ins happen and also there has to be runtime support(要使得多语种插件成为现实,PDE中当前还没有足够的钩子(hook)可用,而且运行时也必须支持。)
A diagnosis of probable reaction to cyclizine causing a lingual-facial-buccal dyskinesia was made.(诊断考虑可能为赛克利嗪引起的舌-面-颊部运动障碍。)
Nissl's staining method was used to observe neurons in 22 lingual nerves of 11 fetuses.(实验用尼氏染色法对11例胎儿22条舌神经内的神经细胞进行观察。)
That question formed the basis for SuperPower Nation Day - an experiment in multi-lingual debate and discussion.(这个问题形成了超级大国的天计算-一个多语种的辩论和讨论实验。)
Conclusion: the most suitable position to ligate lingual artery is the hyoglossus segment.(结论:舌动脉舌骨舌肌段是行口外舌动脉结扎最理想的部位。)
Conclusion:Cervical circumference, lingual height and lingual width make important effect on pathogenesis of OSAHS.(结论:颈围、舌高及舌宽在OSAHS的发病中起重要作用。)
Results: CK18, 19 were detectable in lingual well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, differentiated cancerous cells.(结果:舌高分化鳞状细胞癌中出现了单层角蛋白上皮如ck18、19。)
With more international exchanges, by-lingual teaching is bound to become the order of the day.(随着国际交往的扩大,“双语教学”在高职院校中势必星星之火,可以燎原!)
lingual是什么意思 lingual在线翻译 lingual什么意思 lingual的意思 lingual的翻译 lingual的解释 lingual的发音 lingual的同义词