英语单词分类 轻松记单词

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副词: lithely 比较级: lither 最高级: lithest 名词: litheness

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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1. moving and bending with ease

Synonym: lissomelissomlithesomeslendersupplesveltesylphlike

1. 身体柔软的;动作轻巧自如的
A lithe person is able to move and bend their body easily and gracefully.

e.g. ...a lithe young gymnast...
e.g. His walk was lithe and graceful.

1. lithe的解释

1. 柔软的:litharge 一氧化铅 | lithe 柔软的 | lithely 柔软地

2. (人体)柔软的:3. offstage:舞台后面 | 4. lithe:(人体)柔软的 | 5. beaded:饰以珠的

3. lithe是什么意思

3. (周间的第一天,星期六):-Midyear'sDay-(特殊节日,不计入周间) | -2Lithe-(周间的第一天,星期六) | Afterlithe七月

4. (正好是周间的末一天,星期五):Forelithe六月 | -1Lithe-(正好是周间的末一天,星期五) | -Midyear'sDay-(特殊节日,不计入周间)

  • 经典引文

  • He had that fine, lithe physique, suggestive of much animal vigour.

    出自:D. H. Lawrence
  • John..talking to a lithe nymphet.

    出自:V. Seth
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

But I put aside twenty-five or fifty cents when I could afford it for my lithe girl's Christmas presents.(但我尽可能每个月存25或50美分以备给小女儿买圣诞礼物。)
I hear the truth, it lithe.(我听到它恪守的真理。)
The guest list remains the same in the various paintings, and the people stay lithe.(在这些各种画作中,客人名单依然一样,人物描绘依然活灵活现。)
They twirled and tumbled and soared, their lean, lithe bodies slicing the air like tiny blades.(她们旋转着,翻滚着,飞翔着,她们瘦弱、柔韧的身体像小刀一样划开空气。)
The proposed algorithm not only has lithe overhead but also ADAPTS to the changes of channel state.(本文所提出的算法不仅具有较小的控制协议开销,而且对信道状态的变化具有自适应能力。)
Listen, come in spring, with the snow, walked with lithe dancing come!(听,春天来了,与雪一样,迈着轻盈的舞姿来了!)
Pageant officials immediately said the lithe(4) 5-foot-9 18-year-old was all right and had fainted.(大赛负责人立刻说这位5.9英尺高纤弱的18岁少女没有大碍,只是晕倒了。)
Just an impression of graceful, lithe forms. Then nothing.(印象中除了优美、轻盈外,别无其他。)
The slip dress silhouette works best on tall, lithe figures.(吊带裙的轮廓最适合高挑轻盈的身材。)
Thus we see from the outside, the inside is empty, the construction becomes lithe up.(这样大家从外面看,里面是空的,建筑就变得轻盈起来。)
lithe是什么意思 lithe在线翻译 lithe什么意思 lithe的意思 lithe的翻译 lithe的解释 lithe的发音 lithe的同义词