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更新时间:2025-03-10 16:40:20



英 [lɪntʃ]

美 [lɪntʃ]


名词: lyncher 过去式: lynched 过去分词: lynched 现在分词: lynching 第三人称单数: lynches

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1. kill without legal sanction

e.g. The blood-thirsty mob lynched the alleged killer of the child

1. 以私刑绞死(某人)
If an angry crowd of people lynch someone, they kill that person by hanging them, without letting them have a trial, because they believe that that person has committed a crime.

e.g. They were about to lynch him when reinforcements from the army burst into the room and rescued him.

Some towns found that lynching was the only way to drive away bands of outlaws.

1. 私刑:比如把大经济学家Paul Kregman的名字拼成Pawl Kregman,把私刑(lynch)翻译成凌迟处死,On the waterfront翻译成了在江边,都是编辑没有尽到职责. 不过,只花了28元人民币(英文原价25美元),也就别太计较了.

2. 凌迟--私刑处死:19) Obstinate:我不是听你的--固执的 | 20) Lynch:凌迟--私刑处死 | 21) May:美--少女

3. 语言课程评估:理论与实践 上海外教:1778 第二语言教与学的文化因素 上海外教 Hinkel 2001 | 1779 语言课程评估:理论与实践 上海外教 Lynch 2001 | 1780 社会语言学与语言教学 上海外教 Hornberger 2001

  • 经典引文

  • If you don't win they will likely lynch you.

    出自:D. Francis
  • The white American was ready first to enslave and later to lynch.

    出自:J. Wain
One of the great Bordeaux wines is called Lynge Barge, Lynge as Lynch, which is an Irish name.(有一款非常棒的波尔多葡萄酒叫做林格巴格,林格就是林奇,是个爱尔兰名字。)
Chart 6, from Merrill Lynch, shows the growing burden on households.(图6来自美林(MerrillLynch),显示出家庭负担在逐渐增加。)
Here's the University of Cincinnati's Kathleen Lynch, on the ancient Greek symposium.(而今天辛辛那提大学的凯瑟琳·林奇要说的,是古希腊的聚会。)
Merrill Lynch analyst David Errington is concerned about the level of price deflation at Coles supermarkets, which he puts at around 2.2 percent.(美林证券公司分析师大卫埃林顿担忧高斯超市(Coles)的下跌指数会受到影响,他估计在2.2%左右。)
Lynch then collaborates with plant breeders.(之后,林奇与植物培育者合作。)
You know Jane Lynch.(你知道简·林奇吧?)
Sometimes this is best done when a bank chief has quit, as at Merrill Lynch.(有时,这需要一家大银行以身作则,就像美林证券做的那样。)
According to Merrill Lynch, 62% of retailers missed their sales estimates.(根据美林证券(MerillLynch),62%的零售商没有达到他们的销售预期。)
Images courtesy of the European Space Agency. Caption by Patrick Lynch and Mike Carlowicz.(图片由欧洲空间组织提供,帕特里克·林奇和迈克·卡洛·维奇配以介绍。)
“I’m always bullish, ” Mr. Lynch said.(”我总是乐观的,“林奇先生说。)
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