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更新时间:2025-03-10 16:41:25



英 [ˈmeɪlstrɒm]

美 [ˈmeɪlstrɑ:m]



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1. a powerful circular current of water (usually the result of conflicting tides)

Synonym: whirlpoolvortex

1. 大动乱;极度混乱状态;混乱不堪
If you describe a situation as a maelstrom, you mean that it is very confused or violent.


e.g. ...the maelstrom of ethnic hatreds and vendetta politics...
e.g. Inside, she was a maelstrom of churning emotions.

1. maelstrom的反义词

1. 异形漩涡:异形漩涡(Maelstrom)模拟方式免CD补丁此为最大镜像,可压缩成小文件方便保存,使用任意模拟光驱程序即可使用,也支持本游戏各升级档版本

  • 经典引文

  • They have pulled oars while caught in maelstroms.

    出自:American Poetry Review
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He insisted that he wanted to fight though, so they sent him into the maelstrom.(他仍然坚持要上战场,于是他们把他送上了前线。)
But me, I stood calm and reached into the maelstrom, plucking black feathers one by one for the waxy headdress I dreamed I'd make.(而我呢,我平静地站着,把手伸进乱群之中,为自己梦想制作的那个光滑的头饰,一根一根地拔下这些黑色的羽毛。)
The maelstrom sucked in the canoe.(独木舟被卷入了旋涡。)
For the past few weeks, China has stood on the sidelines as country after country became caught up in the financial maelstrom.(在过去的几周里,面对全球金融漩涡席卷一个又一个国家,中国没有出手。)
Beyond it lies only dark mountains and a terrifying maelstrom, but the old fishing village of? In the Lofoten Islands has a cafe, two museums and a gift shop.(但是在罗浮敦群岛上的这座古老的渔村里,你还是能找到一家咖啡馆,两座博物馆和一家礼品店。)
By itself, no country or currency zone could escape the maelstrom of such a crisis, as all countries are interconnected via their exchange rates.(所有国家或货币区都将被迫卷入这个危机的漩涡中。汇率将所有这些国家连在一起,以致没人能幸免于难。)
Today's China is the center of an economic maelstrom that grows larger and more powerful every day.(如今的中国是一个变得日趋强盛的经济中心。)
This era of peace was only a prelude to the maelstrom of the Warring States Period.(这个时代的和平只是一个序幕,相邻的战国时期。)
Out there in the South Seas there are islands, there's out where the Maelstrom is.(在南部海洋远离大漩涡的那片区域有一些岛屿,那还有相当大的一片土地。)
The canoe was tossed about in the maelstrom.(独木舟在漩涡之中摇晃打转。)
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