英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 22:04:48
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1. make faces什么意思

1. 做鬼脸:not...any more 不再 | make faces 做鬼脸 | jump vi. 跳

2. 作鬼脸:16. roll pancake 卷上薄饼 | 17. make faces 作鬼脸, | make friends with 与......交朋友,

3. make faces的近义词

3. 做鬼脸;做苦脸:make a noise 吵闹 | make faces 做鬼脸;做苦脸 | make money 赚钱

4. 扮鬼脸:make ducks and drakes of 浪费 | make faces 扮鬼脸 | make fashion 作作样子

One rule is symmetry - it does make faces more attractive.(规律之一是对称-对称的确是相貌更具吸引力。)
That kid make faces at me.(那小鬼对我做出鬼脸。)
Girls like to make faces when they are shy.(女孩子在害羞时喜欢做鬼脸。)
Don't make faces at me.(不要跟我扮鬼脸。)
The advantage of using punctuation marks is that you can make faces with them.(用标点的优点是你可以用它们来做鬼脸。)
I began to make faces and the baby didn't cry any more.(我开始做鬼脸,接着小孩就不再哭了。)
She likes to make faces at the teacher.(她喜欢向老师扮鬼脸。)
He was make faces at me all the time I tied him.(他让我在所有的面孔当时我把他绑。)
Don't make faces in class next time.(下次不要在课堂上做鬼脸。)
I made sure that I was there to make faces at her as she spoke her vows.(我确信,我在那儿冲她做鬼脸,是因为她说所立下的誓言。)
make faces是什么意思 make faces在线翻译 make faces什么意思 make faces的意思 make faces的翻译 make faces的解释 make faces的发音 make faces的同义词