英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 14:04:39

man in the street

英 [mæn in ðə stri:t]

美 [mæn ɪn ði strit]


名词复数: meninthestreet

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. a hypothetical average man

Synonym: John DoeJoe BlowJoe Bloggs

1. 普通人:man Friday 得力助手 | man in the street 普通人 | man of business 经纪人

2. 普通人,常人,平民百姓:19. make a difference 有变化,有关系,有影响,有作用 | 1. man in the street 普通人,常人,平民百姓 | 2. be blessed with 赋有(能力等)的;享有(幸福等)的

3. 普通人;世人:Newton was a great English scientist, a man in a thousand. 牛顿是位出类拔萃的英国科学家. | man in the street普通人;世人: | man of his word守信用的人:

4. 普通人, 一般的人:Lombard Street to a China orange [口]几乎确定无疑, 十拿九准 | man in the street 普通人, 一般的人 | milk the street [美俚]操纵有价证券从中取利

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

One day, I met an old man in the street.(一天,我在街上遇见一位老人。)
A man in the street yesterday morning.(昨天早上在街上有个人被杀。)
Besides its role in giving cachet to wine, this may be the explanation for the sort of modern art that leaves the man in the street cold.(除了为红酒定价的作用外,这项实验可以解释人们为追求现代艺术而流落街头的境遇。)
It wasn't the man in the street.(当然并不是站在街上的那个男人。)
When the man in the street listens to the "notes themselves" with any degree of concentration, he is most likely to make some mention of the melody.(在街上的人以任何一种专心程度听“音符本身”时,他最有可能提到悦耳的音调。)
Yesterday afternoon, I met an old man in the street, the old man was an actor.(昨天下午,我在街上碰到了一名耆老,这个耆老是一个演员。)
I often see that man in the street.(我经常在街上瞅见那个男的。)
Would it really make any difference to the ordinary man and woman in the street?(抵抗与不抵抗对于街头巷尾的普通人来说会有很大区别吗?)
A very thin man meets a very fat man in the street.(一个非常瘦的人在街上遇见了一个非常胖的人。)
I met a young man in the street.(我在街上遇到一个年轻的男人。)
man in the street是什么意思 man in the street在线翻译 man in the street什么意思 man in the street的意思 man in the street的翻译 man in the street的解释 man in the street的发音 man in the street的同义词