Of the collection, one letter best sums up his views on the relationship between manure and freedom.(在他的文集中,有一封信很好地总结了他对于肥料与自由之间关系的看法。)
Other newcomers don't like the noise, the pesticides and the smell of manure.(而其他新来的住户不喜欢噪音,杀虫剂和肥料的味道。)
Dung is used as manure.(粪被用做肥料。)
“I was very envious that she had her own chicken manure, ” she recalls.(“我对于她能够拥有自己的鸡肥料感到非常的嫉妒。”她说道。)
In addition to the carbon savings in transportation, such foods rely on animal manure as fertilizer.(为了减少运输过程的碳排放,有机食品通常使用动物粪便作为肥料。)
He had a vanload of manure.(他有大量的肥料。)
If our gold is manure, our manure, on the other hand, is gold.(如果说我们的黄金是粪尿,反之,我们的粪尿就是黄金。)
Never have I been so pleased to see a heap of manure.(我从未因为看到一堆粪而感到如此高兴。)
To fertilise them the native women had to transport human manure from the city of Fuzhou.(为了给梯田施肥,当地的妇女们不得不从福州城运来人粪。)
And every week he cleaned Old Man McColgin's chicken house in exchange for manure.(每周他都要打扫麦考金老人家的鸡舍以换取肥料。)
manure是什么意思 manure在线翻译 manure什么意思 manure的意思 manure的翻译 manure的解释 manure的发音 manure的同义词