英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 17:41:50



英 [ˌmedɪtəˈreɪniən]

美 [ˌmɛdɪtəˈreniən, -ˈrenjən]



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1. 地中海
The Mediterranean is the sea between southern Europe and North Africa.

2. 地中海地区(指欧洲南部地中海附近地区)
The Mediterranean refers to the southern part of Europe, which is next to the Mediterranean Sea.

e.g. ...one of the most dynamic and prosperous cities in the Mediterranean.

3. 地中海的;地中海地区的;地中海居民的
Something that is Mediterranean is characteristic of or belongs to the people or region around the Mediterranean Sea.

e.g. ...the classic Mediterranean diet.


1. 地中海地区:清醇宝酒康片主要由美国Wisconsin州花旗参、欧洲地中海地区(Mediterranean)奶蓟草之高纯度提取物等纯天然成分植物精华素, 经采用美国先进的速释-缓释组合释放技术精制而成;令其天然植物精华素(功效活性因子)协同增效、迅速且持续为身体吸收,

2. 被陆地包围的:Mediterranean Zone 地中海地区 | Mediterranean 被陆地包围的 | Mediterranean 被陆地包围的;远离海岸的;内地的

3. 被陆地包围的;远离海岸的;内地的:Mediterranean 被陆地包围的 | Mediterranean 被陆地包围的;远离海岸的;内地的 | Mediterranean 地中海

Several warships are cruising around the Mediterranean Sea.(好几艘军舰正在地中海上游弋。)
An alarming number of Mediterranean monk seals, an endangered species, have recently died.(最近,濒临灭绝的地中海僧海豹出现了惊人数量的死亡。)
From there, the merchandise was shipped across the Mediterranean Sea.(货物从那里被运到地中海对岸。)
Barcelona has become one of the most dynamic and prosperous cities in the Mediterranean.(巴塞罗那已经成为地中海地区最具活力、最为繁荣的城市之一。)
There have been so much solid crystalline salt beneath the floor of the Mediterranean.(在地中海的海底下曾经有那么多的固态结晶盐。)
In dry Mediterranean areas, tourists use almost twice as much water as local people when swimming in the pool.(在干燥的地中海地区,游客在游泳池游泳时的用水量几乎是当地人的两倍。)
The countries that have inspired the Mediterranean diet all surround the Mediterranean Sea.(鼓励地中海饮食的国家都处在地中海周围。)
You have the choice of night fishing in the Mediterranean, or windsurfing on a lake in Switzerland.(你可选择在地中海夜间垂钓,或是在瑞士的湖上玩帆板。)
The Mediterranean groups had lower mortality rates in all age brackets and from all causes, particularly from heart disease.(在所有年龄组和所有原因中,地中海组的死亡率都较低,特别是心脏病。)
It concluded that the Mediterranean people in the study enjoyed some significant health advantages.(研究得出的结论是,参与研究的地中海人享有一些显著的健康优势。)
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