英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:57:15





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1. 奔驰:1955年:81条人命断魂le mans赛道 奔驰(Mercedes)车队的车手Pierre Levegh和阿根廷车手范吉奥(Juan Manuel Fangio)是队友,在7月11日的le mans 24大赛上,Pierre Levegh所驾驶的Mercedes-Benz(奔驰)赛车在大直线上失控冲进人群之中,

2. 梅塞德斯 汽车:主要的国外品牌中,福特汽车(Ford)交货量由1,519辆增至1,551辆,雷诺汽车(Renault)交货量由1,260辆降至1,205辆,梅塞德斯汽车(Mercedes)交货量由829辆增至854辆.

Do you need your Mercedes Benz?(你需要你的梅赛德斯奔驰吗?)
He traded in his old car for a new Mercedes.(他把旧汽车折价添钱买了辆新奔驰。)
Daimler-Benz owned the company then and had the good grace to place the Chrysler chassis on a Mercedes axle.(当时,戴姆勒-奔驰拥有这家公司,很大方地把克莱斯勒的底盘放在梅赛德斯的车轴上。)
Mercedes and BMW have enjoyed the best margins in the business, but they have lost lots of money on their small cars.(梅赛德斯和宝马在这个行业享有最大的利润,但他们在小型汽车的损失也很多。)
The first anti-protest vehicle equipped was built on Mercedes chassis, and already had a large water cistern in the back.(第一辆带反抗议装备的卡车是建立在奔驰的底盘上的,并已经在后部配备一个大号水箱。)
One thing that really surprised me was the number of luxury sedans and SUVs, like BMWs and Mercedes, on the city streets.(有件事让真的我感到意外,那就是在城市的街道上有一定数量的豪华小车和SUV,比如宝马和奔驰。)
A Mercedes carries a certain cachet.(奔驰汽车久负盛名。)
Again. A black Mercedes sports car.(又来了一辆黑色奔驰跑车。)
How will this enormous shift change things at Mercedes?(这一巨变将如何改变梅塞德斯?)
B Oh yes - Mercedes, Audi, BMW.(b噢,是的——梅赛德斯、奥迪、宝马。)
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