英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:02:08


英 [ˈmɪlɪpi:d]

美 [ˈmɪləˌpid]


异体字: millepede

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  • 千足虫
  • 倍脚类的节足动物
  • 马陆
  • 倍足亚纲(Diplopoda)动物
  • 百足虫
  • =millepede


1. any of numerous herbivorous nonpoisonous arthropods having a cylindrical body of 20 to 100 or more segments most with two pairs of legs

Synonym: millepedemilliped

1. 千足虫;马陆
A millipede is a small creature with a long narrow body and a lot of legs.

1. 杀虫大战:名称:杀虫大战 (Millipede) 简体中文版[FC游戏]点下面下载: 杀虫大战 (Millipede) 简体中文 [258]

2. 马陆:[出处]<>我看像马陆,如果是的话请往下看: 马陆(millipede),也叫千足虫. 马陆隶属节肢动物门多足纲倍足亚纲. 国内各地均有发生,除草坪外受害植物还包括仙客来、瓜叶菊、洋兰、铁线蕨、海棠、吊钟海棠、文竹等一些花卉植物.

3. 迷你昆虫:169 ARABIAN 辛巴达 | 170 MILLIPEDE 迷你昆虫 | 171 FIVE CHESS 五子棋

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A gigantic millipede slithered out, and over to where I was standing.(一只巨型的千足虫滑了出来,停在了我站着的地方。)
In 2002 IBM unveiled Millipede, a kind of computer memory that promises to store hundreds of gigabytes of data per square centimetre by punching nanoscale holes in a polymer sheet.(2002年,IBM发现了一种称之为Millipede的计算机内存,它承诺通过在一个聚合体薄片上钻一些纳米尺寸的小孔可以在每平方厘米实现几百千兆字节的数据存储。)
When I find a millipede insect, I rub it over my body.(当我发现一种千足虫,便把它擦在身上。)
So it may have resembled a centipede or millipede, or a worm with legs.(因此,它也许类似蜈蚣或多足动物,或者有脚的蠕虫。)
Normally, a millipede looks like a harmless creature to humans.(平时,马陆看起来像是对人类无害的生物。)
I find a millipede insect and rub it over my body.(我找到了一只千足虫,就在身体上磨擦。)
I find a millipede insect and rub it over my body. It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.(我发现一种千足虫,把它擦在身上,它含有一种强效的药物可以防止蚊虫叮咬。)
Capuchin monkeys often rub their bodies with a certain type of millipede.(卷尾猴经常用某类千足虫擦拭身体。)
This is a Millipede , but it's a giant !(它是千足虫,但是个头很大。)
And there wasn't just one millipede found - there was a plague of them!(然而发现的并不只是一条千足虫,其数量之多,简直泛滥成灾!)
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