英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:06:57



英 [ˈməʊdem]

美 [ˈmoʊdem]



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  • 【无线电】调制解调器
  • 调制解调装置
  • = modulator-demodulator 数据机
  • 【计】通过调制解调器向...发送电子邮件
  • 用调制解调器联通



1. (from a combination of MOdulate and DEModulate) electronic equipment consisting of a device used to connect computers by a telephone line

1. 调制解调器
A modem is a device which uses a telephone line to connect computers or computer systems.

e.g. He sent his work to his publishers by modem.

1. modem什么意思

1. 数据机:(3) 数据机(MODEM)传输速度的单位为何 bpi CPI bps CPS.(MODEM) 多工机(multiplexer) 前端机(front-end) 集讯机24. (4) 在网际网路上有多少个新闻群组(News) 少於200 300 900可读取且可写入 唯读记忆体(ROM)只能读取,


2. 调 解 器:a、金桥信息网(GBNet)b、中国公用计算机网(ChinaNet)c、中科院网络(CSTNet)d、中国教育和科研网(CERNET)d、中国教育和科研网(CERNET)调制调解器(modem)的功能是实现______.

3. modem:modulator demodulator; 调制解调器

4. modem:modulation demodulation; 调制解调

5. modem什么意思

5. modem:modulator – demodulator; 调制解调器,数据机(台湾用语)

Closings were simple, practical, and accessible, as the modem woman depended on no personal maid to dress her.(由于现代妇女没有贴身女仆来为她们穿衣,所以衣服(被设计成)简单、实用且方便的。)
It will greatly encourage farmers to farm and develop further modem agriculture.(它将极大地鼓励农民种田,进一步发展现代农业。)
The fashion for teams is driven by a sense that the old way of organizing people is too rigid for both the modem marketplace and the expectations of employees.(团队的时尚是由一种感觉所驱动的,旧的组织方式对于现代市场和员工的期望来说都太僵化了。)
Modem humans, Martin said, created havoc as they spread through the Americas, wielding spears to annihilate animals that had never faced a technological predator.(马丁说,现代人类在美洲繁衍的过程中对当地造成了严重破坏,他们向动物投掷长矛并杀害他们,而那些动物从未见过带有这些技术的捕食者。)
The high speed development of heating ventilation and air condition technique injected vital force and energy for modem architecture.(暖通空调技术的高速发展为现代建筑注入了生命力和能量。)
More bad news: The 250U modem is a power hog.(一个更坏的消息:250U调制解调器消耗电量很快。)
A minimum 28,800 bps modem is probably the slowest you'll want to put up with.(一个最低28800比特/秒的调制解调器可能是你能愿意忍受的最慢的了。)
Artists of modem times can copy rock art rather easily.(现代的艺术家可以很容易地复制岩石艺术。)
The resulting steel appears to achieve a combination of strength and toughness that is comparable to that of modem steels that are very rich in alloy content and, therefore, very expensive.(产出的钢在强度和韧性方面的综合性能可与合金含量非常丰富的现代钢相媲美,因此价格非常昂贵。)
There is evidence that all modem turtles are descended from a terrestrial ancestor which lived before most of the dinosaurs.(有证据表明所有现代海龟都有陆生的祖先,他们比大部分恐龙还古老。)
modem是什么意思 modem在线翻译 modem什么意思 modem的意思 modem的翻译 modem的解释 modem的发音 modem的同义词