英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:09:42



英 [məˈnɒtəni]

美 [məˈnɑ:təni]


名词复数: monotonies

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  • 千篇一律
  • 单调
  • 无变化
  • 无聊
  • 单音
  • 无味
  • 干燥
  • 枯燥无味


1. constancy of tone or pitch or inflection

2. the quality of wearisome constancy, routine, and lack of variety

e.g. he had never grown accustomed to the monotony of his work
he was sick of the humdrum of his fellow prisoners
he hated the sameness of the food the college served

Synonym: humdrumsameness

1. 单调乏味;无变化;一成不变
The monotony of something is the fact that it never changes and is boring.

e.g. A night on the town may help to break the monotony of the week.
e.g. ...a life of secure monotony.

1. 单调:修道院(Monastery)这个字很美,它来自一个希腊的字根,那个字根的意思是「成为单独的」,它跟独占(monopoly),一夫一妻制(monogamy),和单调(monotony)等字来自同样的字根,那个mon 变成 monkk(和尚),和尚意味着一个想要单独生活的人.

2. 单音:monotonous work 单调工作 | monotony 单音 | monovular twins 同卵孪生子

3. 单一性,单调:monotonically decreasing function 单调下降函数 | monotony 单一性,单调 | monovalent 单价

  • 经典引文

  • The monotony of this dull waste of grass.

    出自:I. Banks
  • The monotony of domestic life bored her.

    出自:R. Thomas
  • This shot is so important in billiards that it should be practised to the point of monotony.

    出自:I. Morrison
  • 近义词

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  • 临近词

I work with monotony.(我工作很单调。)
It happened so slowly that I didn't even know I had been tranquilized by the joys and the monotony of motherhood.(慢慢地,做母亲的生活已经使我渐渐趋于麻木了。)
And a lower tax bill does not always compensate for the expense and monotony of Swiss life.(并且较低的税金并不能补偿在瑞士生活的开支以及其乏味无趣。)
They broke the monotony of the weary journey with songs and jokes.(他们唱歌或说笑话使这个令人疲惫的旅程不至于单调乏味。)
What characterizes almost all TV programs is their monotony.(几乎所有电视节目都很单调乏味。)
Beside the train, the monotony is broken by two lines of wooden telegraph poles, marching into infinity, that deepen a sense of loneliness.(路轨旁单调的景色被两行电杆所打破,它们一直延伸到无限远处,却又加深了孤独的感觉。)
A night on the town may help to break the monotony of the week.(去城里待一晚也许有助改变一周工作生活的单调。)
The monotony does not matter. I am just so happy that the horrors of the previous week have passed.(单调一点无关紧要,我倒是为自己已经克服了前几个星期的恐惧心理而感到高兴。)
I also disliked the monotony of typing class="column ...(同时我也不喜欢一而再的用这种——class="column...")
Only Canary Wharf and a few towers elsewhere—notably a 180m-tall priapic construction in the City known as the “Gherkin”—break the monotony.(只有金丝雀码头和其他地方的一些高塔打破单调的局面,如伦敦城内高180米被称为“小黄瓜”的建筑物。)
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