英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:09:55



英 [məntˈɡʌməri]

美 [mɑntˈɡʌməri, -ˈɡʌmri]


  • 网络解释

1. Montgomery

1. 蒙哥马利:一个黑人女裁缝,因为在亚拉巴马州(Alabama)蒙哥马利(Montgomery)市的城市公交车上拒绝向一名白人男子让座,该事件最终神话般引发了美国50-60年代的黑人民权运动.

2. 拉丁语 属于大山的:22.Milo Miles 希腊语 战士 | 23.Montgomery 拉丁语 属于大山的 | 24.Morris 拉丁语 黑色皮肤的


3. 比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人:[00:44.08]给路过的人住 mostly to people passin... | [00:45.59]比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人 Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that. | [00:49.26]我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱 That's how me and Mam...

4. 尼克. 蒙哥马利:古斯鲁克Kozluk | 尼克. 蒙哥马利 Montgomery | 汤奇Tonge

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Then she was sent to school in Montgomery. She left high school early to care for her sick grandmother, then to care for her mother.(为了照顾她病中的奶奶,她高中时退学,随后她又照顾她的母亲。)
The rover design (Montgomery design International).(探测器设计(蒙哥马利国际设计公司)。)
Every 10 years since the 1960s, Montgomery County's voters have approved a real estate levy to help finance the college.(自1960年代起,每十年蒙哥马利的选民们就将房地产税收给这个学院。)
In this photo, Taylor appears on a studio lot with Montgomery Clift, a longtime friend and co-star of the 1951 film "a Place in the Sun."(在这张照片中,泰勒与蒙哥马利·克里弗特在摄影室中,他是她的老朋友,也是1951年的电影《郎心似铁》的联袂主演。)
Tommy Montgomery: Right now I'm working on nodejs support for server side testing.(TommyMontgomery:目前我在努力支持nodejs以便可以在服务器端编程中使用。)
With the crane module attached, an astronaut hooks up a robotic rover to be towed back to base (Montgomery Design International).(附加了起重机,宇航员可以将机器人探测器吊起放回原位置(蒙哥马利国际设计公司)。)
Take, for instance, the boast of General Sir Bernard (later Lord) Montgomery: “The victory has been definite, complete and decisive.(比如,伯纳德.蒙哥马利爵士(后被封为勋爵)将军就曾经这样赞扬:“我们的胜利是一场必胜,全胜,也是决胜。)
Ms Montgomery, the composer, and Ms Barber, the opera’s librettist who now lives in Atlanta, spent four years on the work.(本作品的作曲为Montgomery女士,舞台编剧为Barber女士,她们花了四年的时间在亚特兰大致力于此项工作。)
B: Hi, Jason. It's Elizabeth Montgomery.(B:嗨,杰森,我是伊丽莎白·蒙格玛利。)
"If it's true that breast-feeding infants wake up more often but their mothers don't, there has to be something going on," says Montgomery-Downs.(蒙哥马利-当斯说,“如果母乳喂养的宝宝醒来的次数确实多一些,而他们的妈妈却不是这样,一定是有什么原因导致了这种结果。”)
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