英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:13:11



英 [maʊnd]

美 [maʊnd]



过去式: mounded 过去分词: mounded 现在分词: mounding 第三人称单数: mounds

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

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  • 网络解释

  • [C]土堆;土丘 a pile of earth,stones,etc. often one built in ancient times as a defence or over a grave;small hill
  • [C]一大堆 a large pile


1. the position on a baseball team of the player who throws the ball for a batter to try to hit

e.g. he has played every position except pitcher
they have a southpaw on the mound

Synonym: pitcher

2. structure consisting of an artificial heap or bank usually of earth or stones

e.g. they built small mounds to hide behind

Synonym: hill

3. (baseball) the slight elevation on which the pitcher stands

Synonym: hillpitcher's mound

4. a collection of objects laid on top of each other

Synonym: pileheapagglomeratecumulationcumulus

5. a small natural hill

Synonym: knollhillockhummockhammock


1. form into a rounded elevation

e.g. mound earth

1. (一)堆;(一)垛
A mound of something is a large rounded pile of it.

e.g. The bulldozers piled up huge mounds of dirt...
e.g. The table was a mound of paper and books.

2. (棒球内场中央高出地面的)投球区土墩
In baseball, the mound is the raised area where the pitcher stands when he or she throws the ball.

1. 土墩:投手板的地方称为土墩(mound)土墩是从地面要高出约38.1公分填土筑成,在此将使投手板和地面水平埋入,而且自投手板向各垒线造成缓和的倾斜坡.

2. 隆起:5、仔细建造地形,使用隆起(Mound)和挖掘(Dig)工具,抬高或降低地形. 使用抚平高度(Smooth Height)工具,可以使山脉和谷地有更自然的面貌.

3. mound的解释

3. 土堆:从王子大街(Princes Street)的圆土堆(Mound)开始,沿街都是非常漂亮的建筑. 其中包括苏格兰国家画廊(National Gallery of Scotland),这座新古典主义的建筑收藏了包括伦勃朗和拉斐尔在内的几位知名欧洲画家的作品;

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • He found himself beside a burial mound next morning when he woke up.
  • We had mounds of tasteless rice.
  • Let hell unlock Its mounded oceans of tempestuous fire.

  • A sand-built ridge Of heaped hills that mound the sea.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The mound was not visible in an ASTER image acquired in late 2008.(这块高地在2008年底拍摄的图片中还看没有。)
The mound-building people was one of the earliest civilization to emerge in North America.(丘堆(mound-building,译注:不知官方如何翻译)民族是北美洲出现的最早的文明之一。)
Careful excavation and documentation of layers in a mound can reveal a wealth of information about the everyday life of a people in a settlement over many periods of occupation.(仔细挖掘和记录一个土堆的各个层次,可以揭示出丰富的信息,关于一个民族在许多次占领期在定居地的日常生活的信息。)
I've got a mound of paperwork to do.(我有一堆文案工作要做。)
The standard epicurism person lets a person "fleshy mound".(那个标准的贪口福者让人感到“都是肉”。)
The Island of Dreams is a mound of earth blanketed in vibrant wild flowers.(“梦之岛”是一个覆盖满了鲜艳野花的小土丘。)
The city was spread out in a large plain south of Monks mound.(城市是位于moundsmound南部的一个大平原上。)
Other species maintain humidity by depositing a slurry ofchewed wood and grass at the base of the mound.(其他种类的昆虫则是通过在巢穴底部放置咀嚼过的木头和青草泥浆来保持巢内的湿度。)
Rich Becker bunted a ball on the third-base side of the mound.(里奇.贝克尔把球打到了三垒旁的投球区土墩。)
Bantar Gebang, a sprawling, mound of Jakarta's rotting rubbish is home for 2, 000 families.(班达·盖邦——一个充满雅加达腐烂垃圾的乱七八糟的庞大堆填区——是2000户家庭的家园。)
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