英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:19:07



英 [nɑ:ˈkɒtɪk]

美 [nɑ:rˈkɑ:ˈkɒtɪk]



副词: narcotically

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1. a drug that produces numbness or stupor
often taken for pleasure or to reduce pain
extensive use can lead to addiction



1. inducing mental lethargy

e.g. a narcotic speech

Synonym: soporiferoussoporific

2. inducing stupor or narcosis

e.g. narcotic drugs

Synonym: narcotizingnarcotising

3. of or relating to or designating narcotics

e.g. narcotic addicts
narcotic stupor

1. 致幻毒品;麻醉品;(泛指)毒品(亦写作narcotics,尤用于美国英语中)
Narcotics are drugs such as opium or heroin which make you sleepy and stop you feeling pain. You can also use narcotics, especially in American English, to mean any kind of illegal drug.

e.g. He was indicted for dealing in narcotics...
e.g. He appears to be high on some sort of narcotic.

2. (尤指药物)麻醉的,致幻的,催眠的
If something, especially a drug, has a narcotic effect, it makes the person who uses it feel sleepy.

e.g. ...hormones that have a narcotic effect on the immune system.


1. 麻醉药:他不同意埃利亚德所认为的萨满使用麻醉药(narcotic)是萨满教衰落的看法,这一点我很同意. 这反过来也说明昏迷药出现的时间比神仙不死药出现的时间更早,前者是由其物质属性决定的,是自然的客观存在,后者则需要社会发展到一定程度才会产生,

2. 麻醉剂:napkin 餐巾 | narcotic 麻醉剂 | narration 叙述

  • 经典引文

  • Drowsy and dazed with his narcotic but unable to sleep.

    出自:K. A. Porter
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

A narcotic alkaloid, C18H 21no 4, related to codeine, used as an analgesic and a sedative chiefly in the form of its hydrochloride salt.(一种麻醉性的生物碱,C18H21NO4,和可待因有关的,用作止育药和镇静药,主要以其盐酸化物盐的形式存在。)
They use opium as a sedative, rather than as a narcotic.(他们把鸦片作为镇静剂,而不是作为麻醉剂。)
He took a narcotic drink.(他喝了带麻药的饮料。)
Crabs are unable to process magnesium in their blood below a certain temperature, and the result is a narcotic effect on the crabs' movement.(蟹类无法在低于某一温度的情况下在血液中产生镁,镁的缺乏会导致蟹类的动作出现麻痹反应。)
This is a narcotic substance.(这是一种麻醉品。)
That includes $1.8 billion with DynCorp International for police and special anti-narcotic training.(这其中包括与戴恩国际签订的用于警察和特种缉毒训练的18亿美元。)
A certain amount of dreaming is good, like a narcotic in discreet doses.(一定程度的梦想,正如适量的镇静剂,是好的。)
The mountains of Yemen are covered in green terraces growing qat, a mildly narcotic plant that takes up more than half the country's arable land.(也门的山脉被种植咔特的绿色梯田覆盖着,咔特这种有轻微麻醉效果的植物占了整个国家大半的耕地。)
One evening, like a cup of Reserva, and its purpose, my heart to think of narcotic.(一个黄昏,恰似一杯陈酒,它的目的,想着麻醉我的心。)
In small quantities, these ions are needed for energy metabolism. Too many, though, act as a narcotic that eventually kills the animal.(它们需要少量镁离子进行能量代谢,而镁离子太多的话也会作为一种麻醉剂,最后使它们死翘翘。)
narcotic是什么意思 narcotic在线翻译 narcotic什么意思 narcotic的意思 narcotic的翻译 narcotic的解释 narcotic的发音 narcotic的同义词