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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:21:21



英 [ˈnebjələs]

美 [ˈnɛbjələs]


副词: nebulously 名词: nebulousness

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  • 朦胧的
  • 星云(状)的
  • 模糊的
  • 含糊的
  • 不清楚的
  • 云雾似的
  • 形体不明的
  • 笼统的
  • 多云的
  • 多雾的
  • 不肯定的

1. 模糊的;蒙的
If you describe something as nebulous, you mean that it is vague and not clearly defined or not easy to describe.


e.g. The notions we children were able to form of the great world beyond were exceedingly nebulous...
e.g. Music is such a nebulous thing.

1. 星云的:nebulosity 星云状态 | nebulous 星云的 | necessarian 必然论

2. 模糊的:mutter咕哝 | nebulous模糊的 | nebula星云

3. 星云的 星云状:nebulosus 薄幕状云 | nebulous 星云的 星云状 | nebulouscluster 伴云星团

  • 经典引文

  • Evill Ayre..is that which is..nebulous and commeth from stinking breaths.

    出自:P. Lowe
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

It was discovered in 1764 by Charles Messier, who included it as the 27th member of his famous catalog of nebulous objects.(1764年由查尔斯·梅西耶发现并将其作为第27.个成员归入到他那著名的星云星团列表中。)
So-called truth is a nebulous thing at best.(所谓真理是极其模糊,难于分辩的东西。)
You will likely be met with a nebulous reference to studies at one university or another.(仅仅以资娱乐,当碰到引用这些数字的顾问,多问他这一研究的细节,可能他会给你一个在某所大学进行研究的模糊数据。)
This is just one example of applying data science to existing data sets to address more nebulous threats.(这仅仅是将数据科学应用于现有数据集,用以消除更难以察觉的威胁的一个例子。)
And in some ways, netiquette seems as nebulous a concept as ever.(从某种程度上讲,网络礼仪似乎永远是一个谜团。)
Temporary Heat Wave: Your lack of focus is rooted in the nebulous mess you call a workspace. Get organized and get rejuvenated!(暂时情绪:你无法集中注意力是因为工作环境一团糟。把让事物安排得井井有条、让自己精神焕发吧!)
The evening films began to make nebulous pictures of the valleys.(那时苍茫的暮色,已经开始把那些山谷染成一片烟霭凄迷的图画了。)
Special mapping is a rather nebulous term.(专用地图是一个比较笼统的术语。)
In awe of the highest mountain peak in the Alps, Mont Blanc. Today the mighty lady wore a snug nebulous chapeau.(敬畏阿尔卑斯山脉最高山峰的勃朗峰。今天,这位强大的夫人穿着一顶温暖和模糊不清的帽子。)
Refreshing everything, in contrast, is a more nebulous goal.(相对地,焕新一切是一个更模糊的目标。)
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