英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-11-18 16:46:02
  • 英英释义

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1. the time of day immediately following sunset

e.g. he loved the twilight
they finished before the fall of night

Synonym: twilightduskgloaminggloamevenfallfallcrepusculecrepuscle

1. 黄昏;傍晚;日暮
Nightfall is the time of day when it starts to get dark.


e.g. I need to get to Lyon by nightfall...
e.g. I started work at dawn and returned only at nightfall.

1. 黄昏:<>总共有四个章节,前面三个都是独立的,它们分别是<>(Nightfall),<>(Factions)和<>(Prophecies),玩家可以单独选择任何一章. 相对来看,而<>就绝然不同了,它有很多新鲜内容值得大家去探索和享受.

2. 夜幕低垂:原文就已经是颇富启发人文思考的的作品,加上译笔不俗,光是看那几个太阳的中译名就是一场乐事,使这本作品成为个人认为是近几年来绝佳的科幻译作. :>天下这一系列,个人是觉得夜幕低垂(Nightfall)是最荡气回肠的

3. 黑夜降临:天赋: 当你再次施放同样的法术(腐化,吸取生命)的时候,黑夜降临(Nightfall)的几率会消失. . 天赋: 火焰碎屑(Pyroclasm)的实际击昏机率比应有数值低得多. . 天赋: 暗影掌握(Shadow Mastery)对痛苦诅咒(Curse of Agony)没有影响. .

4. nightfall

4. 日暮:阿西莫夫笔下产出不少短篇小说,其中<>(Nightfall)曾获美国科幻作家协会中票选为1964年前的最佳短篇小说. 作为一名科学工作者,阿西莫夫不仅创作科幻小说,同时也写作科普作品,

Some people who felt well in the morning became sick by noon and were dead by nightfall.(有些人早上感觉还不错,到中午病倒,傍晚就死了。)
In the trench he will die before nightfall.(战壕中的他将在夜暗前死去。)
They had advanced 20 miles by nightfall.(夜幕降临时,他们已推进了20英里。)
I need to get to Houston by nightfall.(我需要在黄昏时赶到休斯顿。)
The engine is gulping two tons of fuel an hour in order to make New Orleans by nightfall.(引擎每小时消耗两吨燃料以便在天黑之前赶到新奥尔良。)
Jin took this shot from the ferry that docks at the tower's base, shortly after nightfall.(夜幕降临后不久jin在渡船上拍摄了这张照片,渡船码头就在大楼脚下。)
By nightfall, officials reported that at least 35 people had been killed and 168 wounded.(当夜幕降临,官方报告说,至少有35人遇难,168人受伤。)
And no matter how far the dragon flew each day, come nightfall some instinct drew him home to Dragonstone.(无论黑龙每天飞的再怎么远,到了傍晚他也会凭着本能回到在龙石山的家。)
They cast anchor at nightfall.(他们傍晚抛锚停泊。)
We must cross the bridge before nightfall.(我军一定要在傍晚之前成功渡桥。)
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