英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 14:48:09


英 [ˌnɒn'sməʊkə]

美 [ˌnɒn'smoʊkə]


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1. a passenger car for passengers who want to avoid tobacco smoke

Synonym: nonsmoking car

2. a person who does not smoke tobacco

1. 不抽烟的人:non- 不 | nonsmoker 不抽煙的人 | nonaligned 不結盟的

2. 非吸烟者:carpet smoking ban 全面禁烟 | nonsmoker 非吸烟者 | smoke-free environment 无烟环境

3. 不吸烟的人:smoker吸烟者 | nonsmoker 不吸烟的人 | cooker 篡改者,伪造者


4. (非瘾君子):Magician (魔术师) | Nonsmoker (非瘾君子) | Oreo (电视伴侣)

Research shows that a person who smokes 10 or more cigarettes a day for a minimum of 10 years is statistically more likely to develop deeply wrinkled, leathery skin than a nonsmoker.(研究显示如果一个人每天抽烟超过10支,并且烟龄超过10年的话,那么从统计学上来讲,更有可能比那些不吸烟的人生成褶皱的,皮革状的皮肤。)
After 5 years of smoking cessation, the risks are the same as those of a nonsmoker.(经过5年的戒烟,风险都是一样的,因为那些一不吸烟。)
When I see some of her guests smoking in her house, as a nonsmoker, I feel unhappy.(当我看到她的一些客人在她的房子里吸烟时,作为一个不吸烟的人,我感到不高兴。)
A: Oh, I'm sorry. But this isn't a nonsmoker, is it? I mean, WCXJLD you mind if I smoke here?(A:噢,对不起,但是这不是禁烟车厢,我意思是说,我在这儿抽烟你介意吗?)
Moreover, no difference in excretion was shown between the esposed smokers and nonsmoker, yet both of them was also lowered than that of control.(接铬组工人吸烟与否,尿中维生素丙排出量井无差异,而且均低于对照组。)
If you consider the benefits, and take advantage of today's helpful resources, this could be the year you successfully become a nonsmoker.(如果你考虑一下戒烟的益处,利用今天有益的经验,今年可能会使你成为戒烟者。)
Perhaps this was partly because he was a nonsmoker and a teetotaler.(这也许一半是由于他不吸烟、也不喝酒的缘故。)
There is no try '! "if my friend believes that he'll only try to quit smoking, then he probably won't receive the gift of being a nonsmoker."(如果我的朋友相信他只能“尽力”戒烟,那他很可能无法成为一个不吸烟者。)
When you light up that next cigarette, don't deny that you want to be a nonsmoker.(当你点燃下一根香烟,不要否认你想成为不吸烟者。)
For example, you won't become a nonsmoker by thinking thoughts like, "Quitting smoking is hard."(比如说,你如果认为“戒烟很困难”,那么你就不可能成为一个不吸烟的人。)
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