英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:31:18



英 [ˈnəʊvə]

美 [ˈnoʊvə]


名词复数: novae

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  • 【天】新星(短期内突然变得很亮)
  • 诺娃



1. a star that ejects some of its material in the form of a cloud and become more luminous in the process

1. (霜之新星):其次是Lich(巫妖),主要技能是霜之新星(Nova),其次是黑暗仪式(用来给放Nova加mana的). 兵力则是蜘蛛,十胜石雕像(也有叫救护车,灵车,棺材,车子的). 蜘蛛有着27~31的初始攻击力,但是攻击速度是慢,移动速度中等,

2. nova的翻译

2. 天威:[注]天威(Nova),这人在以前的漫画中出现时,多是指镇天威(Prime Nova),最近IDW的英雄记(Spotlight)系列漫画中,他的名字被正式定为:Nova Prime,是御天敌(Sentinel Prime)的上一任汽车人首领.

3. nova:national organization for victim assistance; 全国被害人援助组织

Mind Over Money, right now on NOVA.(心灵的钱,现在就一颗新星。)
What happened to the Nova I knew in high school?(高中时我认识的那个“诺瓦”是怎么了?)
The Nova service queries the corporate BluePages server for the requested information and aggregates it.(Nova服务查询公司BluePages服务器以获取请求的信息并聚合该信息。)
He had once looked into buying his own island off Nova Scotia.(他曾经考虑过在新斯科舍省沿海购买属于自己的小岛。)
Ms. Nova is the proud possessor of a truly incredible voice.(诺娃女士引以为豪是她拥有一副美妙动听的嗓音。)
You had better travel to Nova Scotia tomorrow.(你最好明天去新斯科舍。)
At Lucas Nova Sensor in Fremont, California, scientists have perfected the world's first microscopic blood-pressure sensor.(在加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特的卢卡斯诺瓦传感器公司,科学家们已经完善了世界上第一个微型血压传感器。)
Because NOVA implements full virtualization, unmodified guest operating systems are supported.(由于NOVA实现了全面虚拟化,因此支持未更改的来宾操作系统。)
The latest, a three-part Nova show titled In Search of Human Origins, premiered last week.(上周首次在PBS电视台Nova栏目中播出的三集节目《探索人类的起源》(InSearchofHumanOrigins)则是这方面的最新例证。)
The nearest safe anchorage was in Halifax, Nova Scotia.(最近的安全锚地位于新斯科舍哈利法克斯。)
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