Once infringement happens, because of rapidness of spreading news, obligee will suffer irretrievable loss.(由于新闻传播的快捷性,一旦发生侵权,将会给权利人造成难以弥补的损害。)
The fourth part: liability of third persons infracting rights of obligee.(第四部分:第三人侵害债权责任的承担。)
The transfer of an obligation by an agreement between the original obligor and the new obligor requires the consent of the obligee.(原债务人和新债务人以协议方式转移债务,须经债权人同意。)
The obligee may give its consent in advance.(债权人可以预先同意。)
Therefore, the obligee should adopt concrete and reasonable measures before he requires the offeree to keep business secrets.(权利人必须采取具体、合理的措施,才能要求相对人保守商业秘密。)
The claim to registration is the right that the registration obligee asks the registration obligor help to regist.(登记请求权是指登记权利人所享有的请求登记义务人协助其进行登记的权利。)
As for the calculation basis, the loss of the obligee, the interests the actor obtained and permissible cost should be referred.(对损失的计算标准可以参考权利人的损失、行为人所获利润和许可费用来计算。)
Guarantee insurance refers to the insurer as a guarantor offering a bond for obligor i. e. the insurant, to the obligee.(保证保险是保险人作为保证人为义务人即投保人向权利人提供担保。)
Where the obligor has delegated an obligation, the new obligor may avail itself of any of the original obligor's defenses against the obligee.(债务人转移义务的,新债务人可以主张原债务人对债权人的抗辩。)
Once the subject matter is in escrow , the risk of its damage or loss is borne by the obligee.(第一百零三条标的物提存后,毁损、灭失的风险由债权人承担。)
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