英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:34:17



英 [əbˈskjʊərəti]

美 [əbˈskjʊrəti]


名词复数: obscurities

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 朦胧
  • 晦涩
  • 无名的人
  • 难解
  • 隐匿
  • 不引人注目
  • 卑微者
  • 不明
  • 含糊
  • 暗(淡)
  • 暧昧
  • 难解处
  • 不明处
  • 费解的话
  • 低微的人
  • 混沌
  • 蒙昧
  • 朦胧状态
  • 幽晦



1. the quality of being unclear or abstruse and hard to understand

Synonym: obscurenessabstrusenessreconditeness

2. the state of being indistinct or indefinite for lack of adequate illumination

Synonym: obscureness

3. an obscure and unimportant standing
not well known

e.g. he worked in obscurity for many years

1. 无名;默默无闻
Obscurity is the state of being known by only a few people.


e.g. For the lucky few, there's the chance of being plucked from obscurity and thrown into the glamorous world of modelling...
e.g. The latter half of his life was spent in obscurity and loneliness.

2. 晦涩;费解;难懂的事
Obscurity is the quality of being difficult to understand. An obscurity is something that is difficult to understand.


e.g. 'How can that be?' asked Hunt, irritated by the obscurity of Henry's reply...
e.g. Whatever its obscurities, the poem was clear on at least one count.

1. 冷门:not up 两跳,球在地上弹跳两次 | obscurity 冷门 | offensive 进攻性

2. 弄暗:obscuring 模糊 | obscurity 弄暗 | obsequent fault line 逆向断层线

  • 经典引文

  • The obscurities of early Greek poets.

    出自:B. Jowett
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

An sf writer's biggest problem is obscurity, not piracy.(作为一位科幻小说作家,最大的困扰不是盗版,而是默默无闻。)
The obscurity of the passage makes several interpretations possible.(这段文字隐晦,因而有可能作出好几种解释。)
He moved to Argentina where he lived in obscurity.(他移居阿根廷,无声无息地过活。)
Obscurity is now probably the best he can hope for.(现在,赵最希望的恐怕很可能是淡出人们的视线吧。)
It is a way to defy our obscurity.(这是一种挑战我们朦胧思想的方法。)
The actress was only 17 when she was plucked from obscurity and made a star.(这个演员受到提携从无名少女一跃成为明星时年仅17岁。)
Most, however, are destined for obscurity.(然而,大多数应用程序还是默默无闻。)
When Watts looked into the history of "the greatest painting of all time", he discovered that, for most of its life, the "Mona Lisa" remained in relative obscurity.(当瓦茨调查这幅有史以来最伟大的画作的历史时,他发现《蒙娜丽莎》在其生命的大部分时间里都处于相对默默无闻的状态。)
The course teaches students to avoid ambiguity and obscurity of expression.(这门课程教学生避免表达上的模棱两可、含混不清。)
Passive voice, and its attendant obscurity, turn out to be very useful.(被动语态,以及伴随而至的语焉不详,结果是非常有用的。)
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