英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 22:58:41
  • 双语例句

1. An official-looking envelope with NASA's logo in the upper left-hand corner.

2. On December 23, another official-looking package arrived.

3. We all came running to find him holding a large and very official-looking certificate.

4. By Laura Moser Not long ago, I received an ominously official-looking correspondence from the...

5. His friends now wondered at the cleric and very official-looking nature of his position.


6. Staring at his official-looking vehicle, one of the valets asked my husband if he was driving a government car.

7. But before their wedding could take place, Peter received an official-looking letter.

8. official-looking

8. The museum has a fine collection of modern official-looking pictures.

9. Official-looking Bank letterhead was used.

10. official-looking在线翻译

10. Here's an example of such a scam using official-looking Bank letterhead and signature.

The act of looking after elderly parents or relatives now earns us the official title of a "carer" and some suggest that this role should be financially compensated.(照顾年迈的父母或者亲属的行为让人获得模范的称号,有人还建议这些好人应该得到经济上的补偿。)
Robbie Fowler will leave Liverpool at the end of the season and his looking score in his final league game on Sunday as he told the club's official site.(福勒在赛季结束后将离开利物浦,他告诉利物浦官网,他很期待本周日他的最后一场联赛。)
We may be looking at long-term, double-digit unemployment with official unemployment figures that understate the extent of the problem.(我们可能会看到失业率长期处于两位数,而官方失业数据仍将低估问题的严重性。)
A South Korean laboratory that produced the world's first cloned dogs is looking to get into the business of cloning canines, first by cloning drug - sniffing dogs, a lab official said on Tuesday.(韩国的一个实验室曾制造了世界上第一只克隆狗。本周二,实验室官员称目前他们正在为克隆犬类寻找商机,而第一站是:克隆缉毒犬。)
Thee grumpy-looking, gelatinous blobfish has won a public vote to become the official mascot of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society.(经过公众投票,长相闷闷不乐、黏糊糊的海底怪鱼水滴鱼成了英国丑陋动物保护协会的官方吉祥物。。)
Kissinger addresses this question by looking to the past, a memorandum written by a senior official of the British Foreign Office, Eyre Crowe, in 1907.(基辛格探讨这个问题是采取了向后看的方法,1907年英国外交部高官艾尔·克劳威爵士写的备忘录。)
Since the dissolution of the organization of african unity rotary is looking to obtain official relations with the newly formed african union in addis ababa ethiopia.(自从非洲团结组织解散之后,扶轮正设法与在衣索比亚阿迪斯阿贝巴新成立的非洲联盟建立正式关系。)
The Spanish police's specialist fugitive section was yesterday checking old people's homes and looking for elderly Germans with private nurses in the Alicante region, an official source confirmed.(西班牙警方追缉逃犯的特别小组昨日在检查搜索老人公寓,寻找在阿利坎特地区拥有私人护士的德国老人,一个官方的消息来源也确认了这样的说法。)
Here's an example of such a scam using official-looking Bank letterhead and signature.(现举例说明使用看上去正式的世行信笺和签名的诈骗案件。)
We find that so many more of you are accepting our presence as quite normal, and looking forward to our official arrival on Earth.(我们发现你们中更多的人在接受我们存在的事实,期待着我们以官方的姿态降临地球。)
official-looking是什么意思 official-looking在线翻译 official-looking什么意思 official-looking的意思 official-looking的翻译 official-looking的解释 official-looking的发音 official-looking的同义词