英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 18:32:19



英 [ˈɒfset]

美 [ˈɔ:fset]




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过去式: offset 过去分词: offset 现在分词: offsetting 第三人称单数: offsets

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 【经】抵消,补偿,弥补
  • 分支,支脉
  • 迂回管
  • 【计】偏移量
  • 抵销物
  • 【植】侧枝,旁枝,横枝
  • 【机】支管,偏置(管)
  • 【测】支矩,偏置测线
  • 【印】胶印,平版印刷,胶印版印刷(品)
  • 【建】壁阶
  • 【地】水平断错
  • 【船】型值
  • 开端,出发
  • 胶印的,透印版印刷的
  • 偏移的,位移的
  • 不重合的
  • 补偿,弥补,补充
  • 抵消,消除
  • 为…装支管
  • 形成支管
  • 【印】用胶印法印刷,用平版印刷术印刷,用透印法印刷
  • 【建】为...建壁阶,建壁阶于
  • 【机】在...作迂回管
  • 把...并列
  • 衬托出
  • 带油墨印迹
  • 【机】偏置
  • 形成分枝,长出分枝
  • 【印】制胶印版
  • vt. 抵消,补偿 balance or compensate for


1. structure where a wall or building narrows abruptly

Synonym: set-backsetoff

2. a plate makes an inked impression on a rubber-blanketed cylinder, which in turn transfers it to the paper

Synonym: offset printing

3. a natural consequence of development

Synonym: outgrowthbranchoffshoot

4. a horizontal branch from the base of plant that produces new plants from buds at its tips

Synonym: stolonrunner

5. a compensating equivalent

Synonym: counterbalance

6. the time at which something is supposed to begin

e.g. they got an early start
she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her

Synonym: beginningcommencementfirstoutsetget-gostartkickoffstarting timeshowtime


1. produce by offset printing

e.g. offset the conference proceedings

2. create an offset in

e.g. offset a wall

3. cause (printed matter) to transfer or smear onto another surface

4. make up for

e.g. His skills offset his opponent's superior strength

Synonym: cancelset off

5. compensate for or counterbalance

e.g. offset deposits and withdrawals

Synonym: countervail

The form offset is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle of the verb. offset的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。

1. 抵消;补偿
If one thing is offset by another, the effect of the first thing is reduced by the second, so that any advantage or disadvantage is cancelled out.


e.g. The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity...
e.g. The move is designed to help offset the shortfall in world oil supplies caused by the UN embargo.

1. 位移:大的I/O对从基于主机的stipe获得更好的带宽而言也是很重要的,因为他们将会被基于srtipe的toplogy打散成更小的大小. 在linux系统上,这个隐藏扇区的多少取决于boot loader和/或磁盘管理软件,但63个扇区是一个最常遇到的情况. 对于VMware,位移(offset)是63.

2. 偏置:

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The gains offset the losses.
  • 1
  • Their wage increases would be offset by higher prices.
  • In human action, against the spasm of energy we offset the continuity of drill.

    出自:R. W. Emerson
  • The debit balances..would be offset by the credit balances.

    出自:L. Namier
  • The negative beginning..had been somewhat offset by the positive end.

    出自:G. Huntington
  • 词义讲解

offset, balance, compensate, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail
  • 这组词都可表示“赔偿,弥补”。其区别是:
  • compensate表示“赔偿”,意思最广泛,可以指补偿损失、酬报劳役、弥补缺陷等; countervail表示“补偿”,强调在能力或效率方面可以抵消已造成的影响、伤害或损失。balance表示“弥补”,指相互调节,以达到在数量、质量、大小、重要性或效率等方面的平衡或均衡; offset表示“弥补”,强调在善与恶、得与失、赢与亏等方面的均衡; counterbalance表示“弥补”“抵消”,多指弥补不足之处; counterpoise表示“抵消”“均衡”,指提供相同的重量或相等的价值等。
  • 相关列句
    Advertisers sometimes offset or counterbalance an exaggerated claim with a disclaimer—a qualification or condition on the claim.("广告商有时会通过补偿或者免责的形式,即对索赔要求的一种限定或条件,来平衡夸大的说辞。)
    Their legs are long, and they have tall, offset ears.(它们的腿很长,有着高高竖起的耳朵。)
    A moderation in food prices helped to offset the first increase in energy prices.(食品价格的降低有助于抵消能源价格的第一次上涨。)
    The heft of the concrete walls is offset by the riotous plantings of Texas elderberry, coralberry, and wax myrtles.(混凝土墙的厚重感被一丛丛茂盛的德克萨斯接骨木、珊瑚莓和蜡杨梅消减了不少。)
    The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity.(工资成本的增加远非更高的生产率所能抵消的。)
    Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials.(为补偿原料成本的增加而提高了价格。)
    Chinese demand will not offset a global slowdown.(中国的需求不会抵消全球经济放缓的影响。)
    Then we will offset the penalty clause.(那我们就会抵消罚款。)
    However, Martinson argues, the effect of a warmer atmosphere may be offset as follows.(然而,马丁森认为,气候变暖的影响可能会以以下方式被抵消。)
    The decline in marriage has been offset by a rise in cohabitation.(同居人数的增加跟结婚人数的减少相抵消。)
    offset是什么意思 offset在线翻译 offset什么意思 offset的意思 offset的翻译 offset的解释 offset的发音 offset的同义词