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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:38:50



英 [ˈɒlɪgɑ:ki]

美 [ˈɑ:ləgɑ:rki]


形容词: oligarchic 名词复数: oligarchies

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  • 寡头政治
  • 寡头统治的国家
  • 寡头统治
  • 实行寡头独裁的政府
  • 寡头统治集团
  • 寡头政体
  • 少数人垄断的社团
  • 寡头集团



1. a political system governed by a few people

e.g. one of his cardinal convictions was that Britain was not run as a democracy but as an oligarchy
the big cities were notoriously in the hands of the oligarchy of local businessmen

1. 寡头组织;寡头统治集团;寡头统治的国家
An oligarchy is a small group of people who control and run a particular country or organization. You can also refer to a country which is governed in this way as an oligarchy .

e.g. Athens was suffering under the rule of an oligarchy that had no concern for the people's welfare.

2. 寡头政治;寡头统治
Oligarchy is a situation in which a country or organization is run by an oligarchy.

e.g. ...a protest against imperialism and oligarchy in the region.

1. 寡头政治:'''寡头政治'''(oligarchy)是一种政制形式,其中大部分甚至全部有效地掌握在一小撮特权阶级...

2. oligarchy是什么意思

2. 寡头统治:民主(Democracy)是作为一种有别于君主独裁(Monarchy)和贵族寡头统治(oligarchy)而存在的政治方式. 自十八世纪以来,民主已成为评价国家治理水平的一个主要标准而不仅仅是一种政体形式,它已经成为一个趋势,成为一个伟大目标.

3. 寡头:即混合了民主(democracy),寡头(oligarchy)和君主(monarchy)制的混合政体. 并有宪法约定合时采取民主,合时采取寡头,合时采取君主制.

  • 经典引文

  • The Civil Service is a self-perpetuating oligarchy, and what better system is there?

By referring to the concept of oligarch monopoly competition in economics, we get the conclusion that the insurance market in China has stepped into the stage of oligarchy monopoly.(借鉴经济学中关于寡头垄断竞争的分析,可判断中国目前的保险市场已经进入寡头垄断阶段判断。)
Yet the private sector is not the comfortable oligarchy it might seem, for family firms compete head on and often live and die by the sword.(然而,私有企业也不是看上去那么舒服地寡头控制企业,家庭企业的竞争是悬在他产头上的生死之剑。)
And he has often fallen foul of the Argentinian oligarchy.(同时他还时常与阿根廷的寡头统治相抵触。)
Therefore, improving the oligarchy of market structure of this area is an important way to accelerate the promotion of industrial structure of this area.(因此,推进苏南地区市场结构寡头化,是加快苏南产业结构升级的重要路径。)
Athens was suffering under the rule of an oligarchy that had no concern for the people's welfare.(雅典当时饱受寡头集团的统治,他们对人民的福祉毫不关心。)
By now China's insurance market has become typically oligarchy monopolized, to which insurance supervision model is a strict one to suits.(目前,中国保险市场是典型的寡头垄断市场,保险业的监管也一直实行与之相匹配的严格监管模式。)
But plenty of thoughtful people (many of them in the Lords) are holding out for oligarchy.(不过,众多考虑周全之士(许多来自上院)还是强烈要求维持现状。)
Apache has worked more as a meritocracy, with an oligarchy admitting people to a core team on the basis of contributions.(Apache的工作更象是一个精英,在团队合作工作的基础上做贡献。)
In turn, the emergence of a ruling family broke the former game rule of power-sharing and honor-competing under the oligarchy.(反之,一个“统治家族”的出现也打破了寡头政制下权力分享与荣誉竞争的游戏规则。)
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