Although it was closed for the winter, the manager, Wang Youqiang, was on duty.(虽然已经接近冬天,但是砖厂的负责人王有强还在值班。)
Ganga Bai was on duty in the evening.(甘佳巴姨那天晚上值班。)
Liang ran into a riot in a factory when she was on duty for the first time.(梁思敏第一次当班就赶上了一起工厂闹事。)
The doctors on duty couldn't stop the blood.(值班医生未能止住出血。)
It was Mrs. Dearden's day off, and Paul was on duty in her place.(那天是迪尔登夫人休息日,保尔替她上班。)
We have lifeguards on duty.(我们有救生员值班。)
When it is sleeping, one or two of its arms are still on duty, keeping moving.(在睡觉的时候,它的一只或两只触手依然醒着,会不停地活动。)
She goes on duty in half an hour.(半小时后她开始值班。)
The next crew relief comes on duty at 9 o'clock.(下一批换班的员工9点钟接班。)
In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.(除了这些安排以外,另增救护车值班至午夜。)
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