英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 23:01:16
  • 网络解释

1. 在上面:on top of 熟练掌握 | on top 在上面 | on trial 受审

2. on top

2. 在顶上:on time 准时 | on top 在顶上 | on vacation 在度假

3. on top的近义词

3. 顶棒的:06.Andy, You're A Star 安迪,超级大明星 | 07.On Top 顶棒的 | 08.Change Your Mind 改变心意

4. 雲上:在线 on line | 云上 on top | 大年 on year

  • 情景对话

Getting Cleaned up-(弄干净)

A:Hey, Bob. I can't find my electric shaver.

B:I`m sorry. I used it and I guess I put it on the top shelf with my stuff.

A:Yead,here it is. You might at least clean it up when you use it.The blade's dirty ang I still can't find the cord.
嗯,在这里。 你用过以后至少应该把它弄干净。刀片很脏,电线也还没有找到。

B:Stop complaining and start shaving. Breakfast'll be ready in about five minutes and you won't if you don't hurry.
别抱怨了, 快刮胡子吧。大约还有五分钟早饭就好了, 要不你就来不及吃早饭了。

A:Your eggs are already beginning to burn.

B:What kind of juice do you want?

A:Do we have a choice?

B:Sure. Tomato or V8.

A:Well you know how I feel about tomato. Surprise me.
嗯,你知道我对番茄汁的态度。 真使我意外!

Her hair was coiled on top of her head.(她把头发盘在头顶上。)
The glass fits on top of the jug to form a lid.(这个玻璃杯放在大罐口上恰好当个盖子。)
All this extra work is getting on top of him.(这么多的额外工作快使他吃不消了。)
Houston is built on top of a swamp.(休斯顿是建在湿地上的。)
How will I ever get on top of all this work?(我究竟怎样才处理得了这么多的工作?)
He makes cappuccino with chocolate on top.(他做的卡布奇诺上面有巧克力。)
They were standing on top of a giant scaffold.(他们站在一个巨大的脚手架顶上。)
The castle was built on top of a natural grassy mound.(这座城堡建在一个天然的绿草如茵的小丘上。)
Books were piled on top of one another.(书籍一本一本地摞在一起。)
The house stands alone on top of a small hill.(那所房子孤零零地立在一座小山顶上。)
on top是什么意思 on top在线翻译 on top什么意思 on top的意思 on top的翻译 on top的解释 on top的发音 on top的同义词