英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:45:19



英 [ˈɔ:dnəns]

美 [ˈɔ:rdnəns]


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  • 大炮
  • 军械
  • 军械署
  • 军需品
  • 军用器材
  • 武器
  • 军械部门
  • 军备物资
  • 军火


1. large but transportable armament

Synonym: artilleryheavy weapongun

2. military supplies

Synonym: munitionordnance store

1. 军需品;军备物资;(尤指)武器,军械
Ordnance refers to military supplies, especially weapons.

e.g. ...a team clearing an area littered with unexploded ordnance.
e.g. ...the Royal Ordnance factory at Chorley.

1. ordnance是什么意思

1. 大炮:翻布寻找(fumble),就混杂(jumble)一个烂死的鱼叉(lance),因无茶而冷淡(nonchalance),一个娘娘腔的男人(nance),证明艺术的出处(provenance),钢笔记下惩罚(penance),命令变成大炮(ordnance),分开如此不和谐(dissonance),

2. 火炮:Operation Thunder Run 奔雷行动 | ordnance 火炮 | Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) 石油输出国组织

3. 军械:ordnance datum 法定基准线 | ordnance 军械 | Ordonnace de la Marine 海事条例

4. ordnance的解释

4. 军械,兵器:Operational missile 战役导弹 | Ordnance 军械,兵器 | Passive 无源的,被动的

  • 经典引文

  • As pieces of ordnance they were formidable weapons.

"That much ordnance going off would be the equivalent of an earthquake" Cartwright told me.(“那么多军火爆炸的效果可能就等量于一次地震了。”Cartwright告诉我。)
The Ordnance Officer ordered all the port cannon to be heaved to starboard to counteract the list.(炮长命令把左舷上所有大炮搬到右舷上来以抵消船的倾斜。)
At least one person in Lebanon was killed by an unexploded ordnance as refugees began returning to their home.(正当难民开始重返家园时,在黎巴嫩一枚未爆炸的大炮造成至少一人死亡。)
Their modular weapon mounts allow them to be fitted with mission-specific ordnance.(模块化的武器平台使它们能配备依任务而定的兵器。)
The soldiers assailed the enemy with ordnance.(战士们用炮猛烈轰击敌人。)
"It's time for motorists to take a refresher in map-reading skills," said Scott Sinclair of national mapping agency Ordnance Survey.(英国国家陆地测量局的斯科特•辛克莱说:“司机们应该在看地图技能方面补补课了。)
During the summer of 2007 an average of 22 tonnes of ordnance was dropped on Helmand every month.(在2007年夏天,平均每个月有22吨的炮火砸在赫尔曼德。)
When I tell people that I am an explosive ordnance disposal technician, I usually need to go into further detail about what I do.(当我告诉我是一位…拆弹技术人员,通常我都需要对自己所做的工作进一步详细解释。)
This paper analyses the mixed multi-attribute characteristic of ordnance urgency decision-making.(分析了军械紧急调运方案优选决策的混合多属性特点。)
The pirate ships in the West Indies were armed with heavy ordnance.(在西印度群岛的海盗船装备重型大炮。)
ordnance是什么意思 ordnance在线翻译 ordnance什么意思 ordnance的意思 ordnance的翻译 ordnance的解释 ordnance的发音 ordnance的同义词