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更新时间:2025-03-24 18:44:18



英 [ˈɒstrɪtʃ]

美 [ˈɑ:strɪtʃ]


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名词复数: ostrich

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  • 逃避现实的人
  • 驼鸟般的人
  • 自以为不正视危险便可避开危险的人
  • 鸵鸟(Struthio camelus产于非洲和近东)


1. fast-running African flightless bird with two-toed feet
largest living bird

Synonym: Struthio camelus

2. a person who refuses to face reality or recognize the truth (a reference to the popular notion that the ostrich hides from danger by burying its head in the sand)

1. 鸵鸟
An ostrich is a very large African bird that cannot fly.

1. ostrich

1. 鸵鸟:一、鸵鸟养殖开发概况 鸵鸟(Ostrich)原产于非洲,是世界上现存体型最大的草食性禽类,不能飞行,但善于奔跑. 成年鸵鸟的体重大约为0-0公斤,体高为.7-.7米. 鸵鸟生长很快,一岁龄的鸟体重就可达00公斤以上. 一般情况下,鸵鸟在岁左右即可达到性成熟. 饲养较好的.岁可以(2007-11-21)


2. 鸵鸟皮:L:主要产地包括美国、非洲及澳洲,当中的种类包括牛皮(Calf)、羊皮(Lamb)、蜥蜴皮(Reptile)、蟒蛇皮(Python)、鳄鱼皮(Croco)、鸵鸟皮(Ostrich)等等,而蟒蛇皮、鳄鱼皮及鸵鸟皮更被称之为Luxury Leather或Exotic Leather,价值也相对较昂贵.

3. 驼鸟:驼鸟 ( ostrich ) 是目前世界上最大的鸟类,成鸟由地面至头顶高度平均约为 . . m,腿长约 m,体驱长约 m,体重约 0 0 kg,公鸟除翼端及尾羽末端羽毛为白色外,全身为黑色,母鸟呈棕灰色,不像公鸟那麽艳丽,幼鸟为棕灰色带有斑纹,

4. ostrich

4. 不接受现实的人:356. orator: 演说者. | 357. ostrich: 不接受现实的人. | 358. outcast: 被遗弃的人. adj. 被遗弃的.

  • 经典引文

  • The facts..are too damning to leave much room for an ostrich policy.

    出自:Pall Mall Gazette
Well, an ostrich can weigh 400 pounds-but it can't get off the ground.(鸵鸟倒是能长到400磅,但是它不能飞离地面。)
Emu is a large Australian flightless bird, similar to the ostrich but with three-toed feet and grey or brown plumage.(鸸鹋是一种大型的澳大利亚不会飞的鸟,类似于鸵鸟,但是有三趾的脚和灰色或棕色的羽毛。)
When an ostrich feels threatened it buries its head in the sand.(当鸵鸟感觉到危险时,就会马上把头藏进沙子里。)
Some Italians eat donkeys; South Africans eat ostrich.(有些意大利人吃驴;南非人吃鸵鸟。)
When conditions are hot, the ostrich erects them on its back, thus increasing the thickness of the barrier between solar radiation and the skin.(当天气炎热时,鸵鸟会把它们背在背上,这样就增加了太阳辐射与皮肤之间的屏障厚度。)
He could not say what a parrot or even the unmistakable ostrich was.(他说不出鹦鹉是什么,甚至连显而易见的鸵鸟也说不出。)
Today, 10, 000 ostriches are grouped in pens that line a long road dubbed Ostrich Alley.(今天,10000只鸵鸟圈养在围栏里,围栏排成一条被命名为鸵鸟小径的长路。)
If a kangaroo laid an egg from which an ostrich hatched, that would surely be an ostrich egg, not a kangaroo egg.(如果袋鼠生的蛋孵出了鸵鸟,那应当说它是一只鸵鸟蛋,而非袋鼠蛋。)
Hilary Swank proving that there ought to be far more ostrich tributes on the red carpet.(希拉里·斯万克证明着红毯上应该摆放更多的鸵鸟饰品。)
Your ostrich policy is in vain. Be a man and face up to the fact.(你自欺欺人是没有用的,要像个男子汉那样面对现实。)
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