英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:47:43
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1. 过时的;陈旧的;老式的;废弃的
Something that is out of date is old-fashioned and no longer useful.

e.g. Think how rapidly medical knowledge has gone out of date in recent years.
e.g. ...out-of-date nuclear power stations.

1. 过时的:当我们说某样东西是一个anachronism的时候,意思就是说这样东西是过时的(out of date)和老式的(old-fashioned). 可以是一种已经不复存在的体制或是一些样式老土的东西. 举例来说:The monarchy is something of an anachronism these days.(今天君主制已是一种不复存在的体制了. )

2. 过时:易患病.(tend) 83我相信雷锋精神在任何时期都永远不会过时.(out of date) 84上海市民捐献了几百吨的衣物去帮助遭受地震的人们.(by means of) 85中国近二十年来在经济上取得的巨大成就主要归功于邓小平主席.(owe) 86你买错字典了,


3. 过时的,不用的:out of danger 脱离危险 | out of date 过时的,不用的 | up to date 现代化的,切合目前情况的

4. 过期(时)的:out of danger脱离危险 | out of date过期(时)的 | up to date时新的

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This top-down conception of the fashion business couldn't be more out of date or at odds with the feverish world described in Overdressed, Elizabeth Cline's three-year indictment of "fast fashion".(于伊丽莎白·克莱恩在对“快时尚”三年的控诉,《过度着装》一书中描述的狂热世界而言,这种自上而下的时装业概念已经太过时或格格不入。)
Cassette tape recorders are out of date now.(现在,盒式磁带录音机过时了。)
But it looks out of date now.(但是现在这种看法似乎已经过时了。)
Maybe an important database is woefully out of date.(也许某个重要的数据库大大过时。)
The regulations were out of date and confusing.(那些规定已经过时,而且令人费解。)
Out of date tea leaves will be brittle and dry, rather than lush and aromatic.(过期的茶叶会变得干燥易碎,口感与味道都会明显下降。)
Suddenly she felt old and out of date.(她猛然觉得自己老了,跟不上时代了。)
Their software is out of date.(他们的“软件”过时了。)
The old machinery is out of date.(这些旧机器过时了。)
My Lord, he's hopelessly out of date.(上帝,他是无可救药地过时了。)
out of date是什么意思 out of date在线翻译 out of date什么意思 out of date的意思 out of date的翻译 out of date的解释 out of date的发音 out of date的同义词