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更新时间:2024-12-16 17:05:09
John always marches out of step with the music.(约翰走起路来老是不合音乐的节拍。)
Tom is out of step with The Times.(汤姆跟不上时代的步伐。)
He's out of step with modern life.(他与现代生活不合拍。)
But they grumble that I'm out of step with The Times.(但他们抱怨说,我已经跟不上时代的步伐了。)
Gerbrandt is right about the Academy being out of step, he's just a little fuzzy on the details.(格布兰特是对的,学院确实有些跟不上潮流,他只是忽视了细节。)
They were out of step with his character.(他们与他的性格不合。)
Beside him, the girl walked at the same pace, just out of step with him.(在他旁边,那个女孩以同样的步速走路,只是迈步与他不同。)
One dancer was fractionally out of step.(有个跳舞人的舞步稍微有些不合拍。)
She is out of step with modern life。(她与现代生活格格不入。)
However, carbohydrate and energy intake may be too low, possibly because their diet plans are out of step with their age.(然而,那样饮食谱可能会与其年龄相背,碳水化合物和能量摄取就会过少。)
out of step是什么意思 out of step在线翻译 out of step什么意思 out of step的意思 out of step的翻译 out of step的解释 out of step的发音 out of step的同义词