英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:50:04


英 ['əʊvərɔ:lz]

美 ['oʊvərɔ:lz]



  • 网络解释

1. 工作服:再去ANITA的办公 室,打开储存柜穿上工作服(OVERALLS),向右进入主控制室,在终端机中选2 .OPEN REACTOR DOOR便可进入内部. 捡起地上的LINC CARD ,然后直接赶往警署,乘电梯到机房,把LINC CARD插入INTER?玻疲粒茫? 的SLOT,进入LINC SPACE.


2. 工作裤:常用来形容从义大利热那亚港口出航的水手身上所穿,类似丹宁材料制作而成的蓝色喇叭裤的风格. 到了六十年代左右,这个词汇在青少年间普及,取代工作裤(overalls)一词. LS&CO公司的目录和广告中,开始打出这个词汇,最后形成今曰这个词汇的广为使用.

3. 工装:如做工着工装(overalls),回家换便装(house wear),洗澡披浴衣(bathrobe),上床用睡衣(pajamas),参加盛大宴会时穿礼服(formal dress),运动时穿球衣和运动服(sports wear).

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Fixing her short overalls she thought of Jake.(整理短裤的时候,她突然想起了杰克。)
Everymorning wearing a set of blue overalls and a pair of waterproofboots, he will play taijiquan before his cows.(每天早上都会身穿那套蓝色工作服和一双防水长靴,在他喂养的奶牛们面前表演太极拳。)
Warren Buffett, the good natured financier, became a homespun folk hero, without the tools and overalls.(生性善良的金融家沃伦•巴菲特变成了一个朴实的民间英雄,没有工具和工作服。)
A gallon of gasoline and the nylon overalls fall into the valley.(一加仑汽油和尼龙工作服落进了山谷。)
He is in overalls today.(他今天穿的是工作裤。)
This material is suitable for making overalls.(这种衣料适合做工作服。)
Doctors usually wear white overalls.(医生通常都是穿白色工作服。)
The material was undyed – white, not blue – and the weave consistent with that used for overalls.(布料没有染色——是白色的,不是蓝色的——织法与工装裤的织法一致。)
The overalls I was wearing were of very thick cloth and no serious damage had been done.(我穿的工装裤料子很厚实,我的损伤不算严重。)
Some of the men have only recently swapped their weapons for blue overalls and yellow hard hats.(他们中一些人最近才换上了蓝色工作服和黄色安全帽。)
overalls是什么意思 overalls在线翻译 overalls什么意思 overalls的意思 overalls的翻译 overalls的解释 overalls的发音 overalls的同义词