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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:52:16

owe to

英 [əu tu:]

美 [o tu]

欠…(某物); 应该感谢,把…归功于

  • 临近词

2009 has been a year of deep reflection - a chance for Britain, as a nation, to commemorate the profound debts we owe to those who came before.(2009年是一个深思的年份——一个我们英国作为一个作家来缅怀我们欠先人的债务的机会。)
Fast food such as KFC may owe their popularity to the fact that there is usually little waiting.(像肯德基这样的快餐之所以受欢迎也许要归功于这样一个事实,那就是等餐的时间短。)
Miss Catherine, I'll owe to you that I have little patience with Linton; and Hareton and Joseph have less.(凯瑟琳小姐,我要向你承认我对林惇简直没有什么耐心啦,哈里顿和约瑟夫的忍耐心比我还少。)
The three days of hearings, which ended Wednesday, were held to determine how much in damages they now owe to Mr. Lee and his son, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.(为期三天的聆讯在本周三结束,以裁定他们该赔付多少给李先生及其儿子,现任首相李显龙,来补偿损失。)
Whatever they have they owe to chance;(无论如何他们拥有的是随机的;)
This life, I owe to you, I can not repay, but I swear here: I am certainly going to be a socially useful person!(今生今世,我欠你们的,我无法报答,但是我在这里发誓:我一定做一个对社会有用的人!)
We should do the duty which we owe to our country.(我们应当对国家尽我们应尽的义务。)
His success does not owe to luck but ability.(他的成功应当归功于他的能力而不是运气。)
The IMF reckons that Portugal's net international debt (what residents owe to foreigners, less the foreign assets they own) was 96% of GDP in 2008, an even higher ratio than Greece's (see chart 3).(国际货币基金组织(IMF)估计葡萄牙的净国际债务(用其居民欠外国人得减去归他们所有的外国资产)在2008年达到了GDP的96%,这个比例甚至比希腊的都高。)
There is not a lot else to say, just that as a group of professionals we were embarrassed by the way we performed, we feel it was below our standards and this is something we feel we owe to the fans.(没有什么其他可说的,作为一支职业球队,我们为自己的表现而感到羞愧,我们觉得没有达到自己的标准,这是我们亏欠球迷的。)
owe to是什么意思 owe to在线翻译 owe to什么意思 owe to的意思 owe to的翻译 owe to的解释 owe to的发音 owe to的同义词