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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:54:52



英 [pəˈleɪʃl]

美 [pəˈleʃəl]


副词: palatially 名词: palatialness

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  • 宏伟的
  • 宫殿(似)的
  • 壮丽的
  • 广大的
  • 堂皇的
  • 庄严的


1. suitable for or like a palace

e.g. palatial furnishings
a palatial yacht

2. relating to or being a palace

e.g. the palatial residence

1. 宫殿般的;富丽堂皇的
A palatial house, hotel, or office building is very large and impressive.

e.g. ...a palatial Hollywood mansion.
e.g. ...the academy's palatial headquarters in Moscow.

1. 宫殿似的;宏伟的;壮丽的:palatable 美味的;可口的;好吃的 | palatial 宫殿似的;宏伟的;壮丽的 | memorial 纪念物, 纪念馆, 纪念议事, 请愿书

2. 宏伟的:palate 上腭 | palatial 宏伟的 | palatogram 口盖图

3. 宫殿般的,豪华的:palatable美味的 | palatial宫殿般的,豪华的 | patter欺骗

4. 富丽堂皇的:Zest 风味,滋味 | Palatial 富丽堂皇的 | Draw to an end 结束,终止

  • 经典引文

  • He maintained a palatial estate.

    出自:S. Weintraub
  • Mozaffar..lived with his canvasses and library in a palatial house in Shah Jamal.

    出自:W. Dalrymple
The air was muggy and oppressive yet still a welcome relief from the miasma of sweat shit and sickness that filled the inside of Yezzan's palatial pavilion.(空气潮湿沉闷,但是与充满了耶赞华丽行宫的汗水、粪便和疾病构成的迷瘴比起来也不失为一种令人欣喜的解脱。)
Housed in a strikingly palatial building, Amsterdam's famed Rijksmuseum is the largest museum in the Netherlands and home to a world-renowned collection of art and artefacts.(位于阿姆斯特丹的荷兰国立博物馆是荷兰最大的博物馆,宫殿式建筑气势恢宏,藏有大量世界知名的艺术珍品。)
He bought a palatial house.(他买了套富丽堂皇的大房子。)
Other buildings such as cathedrals and parish churches are associated with a sense of traditional Englishness, as is often the palatial 'stately home'.(其他的建筑譬如说:大教堂和教区教堂,在传统英国人的眼里是他们富丽堂皇而又庄严肃穆的家。)
Located in the heart of Monaco, the palatial Hotel offers the best views over the FI Grand Prix track.(这座宏伟的饭店坐落于摩纳哥的核心地带,其提供了观看国际FI赛车大奖赛的最佳视角。)
We lived in a palatial house with maids.(我们住在豪宅里,也有了仆人。)
Though palatial gardens existed in ancient times, small home gardens became prevalent only in the 19th century.(虽然在古时候就有宏伟的花园,但小型的庭园到19世纪才普遍流行。)
For example, archaeologists previously thought such tablets were created and kept exclusively at major state capitals, or "palatial centers," such as Pylos and Mycenae.(例如,考古学家从前认为这样的粘土碑应该专有的被制作和保存在主要的国家首都或者“宫殿群中心”,比如说皮洛斯和迈锡尼。)
Until his arrest last year, he lived in a palatial villa in the capital Phnom Penh, earning a small-fortune from gold and precious-stones interests.(在去年被捕前,他一直住在首都金边的一个宫殿式别墅里,靠着黄金和珍贵珠宝利息滋生的一小笔财富生活。)
Vistas of the lake reveal a serene scene surrounded by palatial villas, tree-clad mountains and quaint villages.(远远看去,科摩湖被华丽的别墅、树木茂密的高山以及宁静的小村围绕。)
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