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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:55:36



英 [ˈpæmflət]

美 [ˈpæmflɪt]


形容词: pamphletary

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  • 小册子刊物
  • 手册
  • 小册子(指带有纸封皮的薄书包含关于某事的信息)
  • [C]小册子 a small thin book with paper covers


1. a brief treatise on a subject of interest
published in the form of a booklet

Synonym: tract

2. a small book usually having a paper cover

Synonym: bookletbrochurefolderleaflet

1. 小册子
A pamphlet is a very thin book, with a paper cover, which gives information about something.

1. 小册:更多的人阅读报纸、书籍、小册(pamphlet)等等,阅读能力因印刷术广为散播而提高,首次于历史上得以发展出对本乡本土以外的广泛文化认同. 语言间的差异也在同一时候固定下来,裂解为方言,不同语群之间并且相互排斥. 阿拉伯世界在殖民时期,

2. 宣传册:绘画主题, 画的大小, 申请表格(application form)提交方式, 交稿(submit)方式最近的垃圾回收站(collecting station), 哪里查询相关信息, 什么物品可回收(recycle), 宣传册(pamphlet)学生可以在何地读期刊(journal), 学生项目经费来源,

3. 宣传小册:商品目录 catalogue | 宣传小册pamphlet | 货号 article NO.

  • 常用例句

  • Distribute these pamphlets among them before you leave, will you?
  • The scholarly monographs were published as pamphlet.
  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

pamphlet, book, volume
  • 这三个词的共同意思是“书”,其区别是:
  • book是“书”的通称; volume是一套书中的“卷”或“册”,有时也指较大的书。例如:
  • A novel in four volumes一部4卷本的小说; a volume of his poetry他的一本诗集; pamphlet指“小书”“小册子”,但并不见得不重要。例如:
  • scholarly monographs published as pamphlet以小册子形式出版的学术专著。
    • ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的panfletus,意为小册子。
    However, now you want to specify that the ISBN of a Pamphlet has characteristics that are specific to it and different from those of Book.(然而,现在您希望指定Pamphlet的ISBN具有其专有的特征,而且与Book的特征不同。)
    You don't have to read a pamphlet explaining what you're seeing.(你不必看什么小册子,解释你在看的是什么。)
    In other words, you know that the ISBN of a Pamphlet always has a limit of five digits.(换句话说,您知道Pamphlet的ISBN一直有五位数字的限制。)
    His excellent pamphlet can be downloaded for free, here.(他那本出色的小册子,可以在这里免费下载。)
    Yes, someone give me a pamphlet introducing the restaurant and its business hours when I passed by this morning.(是的,今天早上我经过那里的时候,有人给了我一本小册子,介绍那间餐馆和它的营业时间。)
    Clinton accused Obama of misrepresenting her position on those issues in printed pamphlet that his campaign mailed to voters in Ohio.(克林顿指称奥巴马在竞选中散发给俄亥俄州选民的宣传小册子的内容误传克林顿在那些问题上的立场。)
    The school is planning to print a 'Barack Walk' pamphlet to serve as a self-guided tour for visitors.(该校正在计划印行“奥巴马徒步游”(BarackWalk)的小册子,供游客自助游之用。)
    We'll have to get this pamphlet out before next week.(我们必须在下星期前把这本小册子发出去。)
    Clerk: we will offer a lower interest rate if you borrow from our bank, and... you can get details in this pamphlet.(柜台职员:如果您在我们银行贷款的话,我们将提供较低的利息率,还有……您可以从这本小册上获取详细情况。)
    Could I have a look at your pamphlet.(可否让我看一下你们的手册。)
    pamphlet是什么意思 pamphlet在线翻译 pamphlet什么意思 pamphlet的意思 pamphlet的翻译 pamphlet的解释 pamphlet的发音 pamphlet的同义词