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更新时间:2025-03-03 15:16:17



英 [ˌpændəˈməʊniəm]

美 [ˌpændəˈmoʊniəm]


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形容词: pandemoniac

  • 英英释义

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1. a state of extreme confusion and disorder

Synonym: chaosbedlamtopsy-turvydomtopsy-turvyness

1. 喧闹;嘈杂;混乱
If there is pandemonium in a place, the people there are behaving in a very noisy and uncontrolled way.


e.g. There was pandemonium in court as the judge gave his summing up...
e.g. Pandemonium broke out as they ran into the street shouting.

1. pandemonium的意思

1. 万魔殿:大战後期由於女儿费耶娜的鼎力相助,终取得压倒性胜利,战後领有地狱第一层─万魔殿(Pandemonium). 3.利维亚(Livia):原初的地狱之王.鬼王别西卜(Beelzebub)的随从兼继承人,於别西卜死後率领魔物全体归降露西华,是露西华能迅速掌控地狱的关键.

2. 混战场:pandemic 大流行的 | Pandemonium 混战场 | pander 勾引

3. 伏魔殿:brusthonin 定居者营地 | beluslan 贝鲁斯兰要塞 | pandemonium 伏魔殿

  • 经典引文

  • Naples roared and screeched around us. It was a pandemonium of a place.

    出自:J. I. M. Stewart
Shrill cries and startled oaths flew up around us as pandemonium broke out.(骚乱爆发时,我们周围充斥着尖厉的哭喊声和难听的咒骂声。)
But after some editorial lopping it's no wonder Jenkins concludes that swine flu was greeted with "pandemonium".(但经过编辑们修剪之后,难怪詹斯金会说迎接猪流感的是“大混乱”。)
Then the first blast went off, and the grim quiet erupted into pandemonium.(接着第一声爆炸响起,肃静瞬间变成一片混乱。)
For a tangerine-and-mango yogurt, he combined the flavors with the word 'Pandemonium' to create Tangomonium.(对于桔子和芒果味酸奶,他将这些口味与词语“pandemonium”混合,创建了品牌名tangomonium。)
There was pandemonium in court as the judge gave his verdict.(当法官宣判时,法庭一阵嘈杂。)
The fallen angels are entering the magnificent structure of pandemonium, and at one instant all of the angels shrink in order to fit into the building.(堕落的天使们正在进入建筑宏伟的万魔殿,突然,所有的天使们为了适应这座建筑而缩小,无论它有多大。)
After more than two hours of pandemonium, the judge adjourned the hearing until next Tuesday.(在两个多小时的混乱之后,法官暂时中止了听证会,将其延至下周二。)
Look at Milton's description of the architect of Pandemonium.(看看弥尔顿对于地狱建筑师的描述。)
He skittered through the entrance and into the Great Hall to witness sheer Pandemonium, Voldemort at the center of it all.(他疾速穿过入口进入大礼堂,目睹到了这一切混乱的始作俑者,伏地魔。)
The whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium, and the din was terrific.(整个门厅一片嘈杂,而且喧嚣刺耳。)
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