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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:56:50



英 [pəˈpaɪrəs]

美 [pəˈpaɪrəs]


名词复数: papyruses

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  • 纸莎草纸
  • 大伞莎草
  • 【植】纸莎草
  • 莎草纸
  • 古代文献
  • 古写本
  • 薄草纸
  • 文稿
  • 文献
  • 草制成之纸
  • 抄本
  • 用纸莎草制成的


1. a document written on papyrus

2. tall sedge of the Nile valley yielding fiber that served many purposes in historic times

Synonym: Egyptian paper reedEgyptian paper rushpaper rushpaper plantCyperus papyrus

3. paper made from the papyrus plant by cutting it in strips and pressing it flat
used by ancient Egyptians and Greeks and Romans

1. (非洲的)纸莎草
Papyrus is a tall water plant that grows in Africa.

2. (古代埃及、罗马和希腊用的)纸莎草纸
Papyrus is a type of paper made from papyrus stems that was used in ancient Egypt, Rome, and Greece.


3. (写在纸莎草纸上的)古代文献
A papyrus is an ancient document that is written on papyrus.

1. 纸草书:埃及在波斯帝国时代以及继亚历山大远征后开始的希腊化时代,留下了不少纸草书 (papyrus)文献和墓葬, 现代学者们从这些纸草书和墓室的壁画中, 发现许多巴比伦星占学进 入埃及的证据.比如,有些墓室顶上绘着算命天宫图(当然是它的早期形式).还有记载星占 之学的纸草书,

2. papyrus

2. 莎草纸:[[古埃及|古埃及人]][[莎草纸]](papyrus)和中国纸的最大区别,在与莎草纸只将莎草片粘连而成,莎草纤维并未分解,纤维的排列仍然保留自然的次序;中国纸中纤维既不同于植物界纤维的有序排列,又不同于纺织品的几何排列,而是无规交叉的排列.

In fact, the name for Lower Egypt in hieroglyphs was shown as several papyrus plants growing out of the ground.(实际上,象形文字中下埃及的写法就是几根纸草从大地中长出来。)
A depiction of the rising sun. Papyrus of Nodjmet, c. 1050 BC.(对旭日东升的描绘,来自于Nodjmet的纸莎草纸,约公元前1050年。)
Papyrus makes everything you type look like it was written in Ancient Greece!, albeit by a ROBOT FROM THE FUTURE.(每个你用Payrus键入的字看起来都像古希腊语——尽管像是由一个“未来机器人”写下来的。)
This was extremely fortunate, since later on, the original papyrus scrolls disappeared.(这简直是非常幸运,因为后来,这一原始的纸莎草卷轴丢失了。)
Add Type to Operations in Papyrus Class diagram.(添加类型在纸莎草纸类图操作。)
That means an X-ray takes a tiny bit longer to traverse a part of a papyrus that has ink on it than one that does not.(这意味着相比纸莎草纸没有有墨水的地方,X射线需要花更多时间穿越有字迹的纸莎草纸。)
Can papyrus shoot up without marsh? Can reeds grow without water?(蒲草没有泥,岂能发长?芦荻没有水,岂能生发?)
Today, the papyrus documents everywhere are faced with danger of spontaneous combustion.(今天,无论存放在何地的纸草纸文献都面临自燃被毁的危险。)
The scriptures are copied out on papyrus-like material or thin sheepskin.(经文通常被抄写在莎草纸或是薄薄的羊皮上。)
Phormium and Papyrus planted in front of a translucent glass privacy fence cast ever-changing shadows for a touch of drama.(新西兰麻和纸莎草种植在半透明的玻璃栅栏前,投下不断变化的光影,些许戏剧上演的感觉。)
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