英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 15:24:06



英 [ˈpeɪə(r)]

美 [ˈpeɚ]


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  • 付款人
  • 支付者
  • 交款人
  • 交付人
  • 佩耶(音译名)
  • 帕耶(音译名)
  • 派尔(音译名)


1. a person who pays money for something

Synonym: remunerator

1. 付款人;交款人
You can refer to someone as a payer if they pay a particular kind of bill or fee. For example, a mortgage payer is someone who pays a mortgage.

e.g. Lower interest rates pleased millions of mortgage payers.

2. 支付人;还账人
A good payer pays you quickly or pays you a lot of money. A bad payer takes a long time to pay you, or does not pay you very much.

e.g. I have always been a good payer and have never gone into debt...
e.g. The firm was owed around £300,000 by late payers.

1. 付款人:2.付款人 付款人(Payer)就是债务人,也是汇票上的受票人(Drawee),通常为进口人. 托收银行(Remitting Bank)就是债权人所在地的银行,又称寄单银行,即接受委托人委托代为收款的银行. 代收银行(Collecting Bank)就是债务人所在地的银行,

2. 付款方:但随着业务运作复杂性的增强,同一销售订单将会涉及不同的业务伙伴,即包括下订单的售达方(Sold-to Party)、收发票的开票方(Bill-to Party)、付款方(Payer)和收货的送达方(Ship-to Party).

3. 支付者:在国外,医疗支付者(payer)主要是由商业保险公司,政府相关机构等组成的,他们决定着庞大的医疗专项资金的走向,为了标榜客观,更为了限制资金的不合理使用,除了类似中国医保目录外的各种支付目录外,各种基于循证医学(evidence based)的指南等,

4. payer

4. 付款人,付款企业:2810 payee 受款人,受款企业 | 2811 payer 付款人,付款企业 | 2812 paying agent 代付人,代付银行

Under the usance draft , the bearer shall presentit to the payer for acceptance before the date of maturity.(如为远期汇票,持票人应在汇票到期前向付款人提示承兑。)
A second type of euphemism dresses up a dodgy payment as a friendly favour done by the bribe-payer.(第二种委婉说法将这种不正报酬(dodgypayment)伪装成行贿者的友好礼物。)
There are three parties to a money order: the remitter (payer), the payee and the drawee.(汇款单涉及三方:汇款人(付款人)、收款人、受票人。)
But I think he is a very intelligent payer and he can adapt.(不过我想他是一个非常聪明的球员,他能够适应的。)
You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.(你不能通过从发工资的那里直接抽取金钱来援助工薪阶层。)
Mr Daniels’s response was: “You need to do this or you’ll end up with single payer [the single scheme that the protesters in Indianapolis were calling for].”(而丹尼尔斯对此回应:“不然这样做,不然就实行单一保险人制度(也就是印第安纳波利斯的抗议者们所呼吁的)。”)
These are tough times and taxpayers deserve the best value for money that their tax-payer, their tax dollars and our revenues can buy.(世道艰难,纳税人纳税的钱和我们的收入花得应该物有所值。)
If necessary, the customs may demand the obligatory duty payer to make supplementary declarations.(必要时,海关可以要求纳税义务人补充申报。)
Merrill would not comment on details of its recruitment package, although it did say the company had never been the highest payer in the market.(美林不愿就招聘方案的细节发表评论,但表示,它从来不是市场上待遇最高的一家。)
They may yet defy cynics and become a successful model for single-payer care.(他们有可能让批评者的希望落空,成为单一付款人医保制度的成功榜样。)
payer是什么意思 payer在线翻译 payer什么意思 payer的意思 payer的翻译 payer的解释 payer的发音 payer的同义词