英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:03:26



英 [ˈpeɪrəʊl]

美 [ˈpeɪroʊl]



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  • 工资名单
  • 薪水帐册
  • 薪金总额
  • 工资总支出
  • 职工名册
  • 发薪簿
  • 应付薪金额
  • 计算报表
  • 发薪名单
  • [C]发薪员工表,在职人员名单 a list of workers employed by a company and the amount of wages each person is to be paid
  • [S]发放工资总额 the total amount of wages paid to all the workers in a particular company


1. the department that determines the amounts of wage or salary due to each employee

Synonym: payroll department

2. a list of employees and their salaries

e.g. the company had a long payroll

Synonym: paysheet

3. the total amount of money paid in wages

e.g. the company had a large payroll

Synonym: paysheet

1. 工资名单
The people on the payroll of a company or an organization are the people who work for it and are paid by it.

e.g. They had 87,000 employees on the payroll.

1. 工资单:RAID 1的可靠性很高,但它的成本也大大提高. RAID 1是所有RAID等级中实现成本最高的一种. 尽管如此,人们还是选择RAID 1来保存那些关键性的重要数据,例如账户处理(accounting)、工资单(payroll)和金融(finance )等业务.

2. payroll的翻译

2. 薪酬:据悉,将薪酬 (payroll) 成本削减 30% 这个构思主要是针对为香港的业务,主因是本港两项业务仍然亏损. 估计年初为推出 3G 服务而大幅增加人手的 3 香港,可能会成为重灾区. 另外,金蝶亦定下未来发展目标,

3. 薪资:依据ASTD的研究显示,目前全球平均每年花在教育训练的费用大约是在整体薪资(payroll)的2~3%之间,财星500大公司的数字则提升为3~5%,而在全球顶尖的顾问产业,因为其人力资源属于高度知识密集、脑力密集的行业,

4. 工资表:优先 priority | 工资表 payroll | 策略 strategy

  • 常用例句

  • Donald made a payroll.
  • He's no longer on their payroll.
  • His yearly payroll is $1.2 million.
I thought graduate teaching assistants will automatically put on the payroll at the beginning of the semester.(我原以为研究生助教会在学期开始时自动进入发放工资的名单。)
All told there were 104 people on the payroll.(工资表上总共有104个人。)
The low payroll employment number seems to be due to bad weather.(低收入就业人群似乎可以归因于恶劣的气候。)
The payroll survey also doesn't capture the number of self-employed, and so says little about how many people are generating an independent income.(工资单调查也没有统计个体经营者的数量,因此也没有说明有多少人在产生独立收入。)
But they haven't had to reach into their own pockets to cover payroll.(但是他们不用非得得到这些钱来掩饰自己的工资单。)
Maybe one group of PACKAGEs is used by the payroll application.(或许某个薪金应用程序会用到一组程序包。)
The payroll survey can easily double-count someone: if you are one person with two jobs, you show up as two workers.(工资调查很容易把一个人重复计算进去:如果你是一个人同时做两份工作,你就会以两名员工的身份出现。)
Payroll taxes foot most of the bill.(大部分医疗费用是由工资税来支付的。)
Another training for payroll law used a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs theme.(另一项关于薪酬法律的培训以白雪公主和七个小矮人为主题。)
Gives high earners big breaks on the payroll tax.(给予高收入者较大幅度的收入税减免。)
payroll是什么意思 payroll在线翻译 payroll什么意思 payroll的意思 payroll的翻译 payroll的解释 payroll的发音 payroll的同义词