英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:08:59



英 [pəˈrɪfəri]

美 [pəˈrɪfəri]


名词复数: peripheries

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  • 周围
  • 边缘
  • 外围
  • 圆周
  • 【解】体表
  • 末梢
  • 次要部分
  • 周边
  • 外面
  • 外部
  • 【解】末梢区域
  • 神经未稍周围
  • 周线
  • 次要部份
  • 次要活动
  • 【解】(神经)末梢周围
  • 周界线
  • 外表面
  • 界限


1. the outside boundary or surface of something

Synonym: fringeouter boundary

1. 边缘;周围;外围
If something is on the periphery of an area, place, or thing, it is on the edge of it.


e.g. Geographically, the UK is on the periphery of Europe, while Paris is at the heart of the continent...
e.g. Taste buds are concentrated at the tip and rear of the tongue and around its periphery.

2. (学科、兴趣的)边缘,次要部分
The periphery of a subject or area of interest is the part of it that is not considered to be as important or basic as the main part.


e.g. The sociological study of religion moved from the centre to the periphery of sociology.

1. periphery是什么意思

1. 外围:在他的模型中,处于中心或核心(core)的是制造业地区,外围(periphery)是农业地区,这种模型的形成及其效率取决于运输成本、规模经济和制造业的聚集程度. 可以说,克鲁格曼是继马歇尔之后第一位主流经济学家开始把区位问题和规模经济、竞争、均衡这些经济学常年研究的问题结合在一起,

2. periphery的解释

2. 外周:这一畸形可以是单侧或双侧,可以合并或不合并分叉部(bifurcation)狭窄;此外病变通常向外周(periphery)延伸呈节段分支狭窄. 继发于肺动脉环缩(PA banding)术后的肺动脉狭窄也属于这一诊断范畴内.

  • 经典引文

  • On the periphery of her consciousness, a cluster of others waiting for admission.

    出自:F. Weldon
  • Alarm and insecurity in countries around the Soviet periphery.

    出自:H. Kissinger
So when blood flow does not reach the eye, vision fails, and darkness ensues from the periphery to the center.(所以当血液流动不到眼睛时,视力就会衰退,黑暗就会从神经末梢蔓延到中心。)
In certain pseudounipolar neurons, the electrical impulse travels along an axon from the periphery to the cell body.(在某些假单极神经元中,电脉冲沿轴突从外周传递到胞体。)
This division of core and periphery is common in many countries.(这种核心地带与边缘地带的区别,在很多国家都存在。)
Recent falls in emerging-world currencies and stock prices show that financial panic can afflict the periphery too.(最近在新兴经济体货币和股票价格的下跌表明金融恐慌也能影响到周围。)
Europe will be divided between a solid centre of its euro zone and a wobbly periphery.(欧洲将分成经济稳定的欧元区中心国家和经济不稳定的边缘国家两部分。)
Urban/rural/ periphery/central?(城市/农村/周边/中心?)
To divide the empire into English core and colonial periphery, as Bailyn does, devalues the achievements of colonial culture.(把帝国划分为英国核心和殖民地外围,就像拜伦所做的那样,会贬低殖民文化的成就。)
Three powers are emerging on the periphery of Eurasia.(在欧亚大陆周缘地带将出现三大势力。)
This simultaneous shift in the rich world's core as well as the enfeebled euro periphery raises two questions.(核心国家和衰退的欧元区的边缘经济体的这一同步变化带来了两个问题。)
The condition makes it difficult for patients to see objects at the periphery of their vision.(这种病症使患者难于看见视觉边缘的物体。)
periphery是什么意思 periphery在线翻译 periphery什么意思 periphery的意思 periphery的翻译 periphery的解释 periphery的发音 periphery的同义词