Phlegmatic types or those suffering from sinusitis are advised to completely avoid Fried and starchy foods, white sugar, white flour, rice, macaroni products, pies, cakes, and candies.(粘液质类型的或被窦炎困扰的人们应该尽量避免油炸和含淀粉食品、白糖、白面粉,大米和通心面食品、饼干、蛋糕和糖果。)
Our temperaments – whether flamboyant, phlegmatic, introverted, or extroverted – are quite permanent fixtures of our personalities.(我们的性格——无论是热情的,安静的,内向的,或者外向的——都是我们人格之中固有的部分,难以改变。)
The mathematician, Yurchenko, was a stubby, phlegmatic, shrewd person.(数学教师尤尔钦科是个矮胖的,冷漠而机灵的人。)
And those old favorites, your friends and mine: sycophantic, phlegmatic, and, of course, top of the bill - pusillanimous.(而那些过去最受宠的人——你我共同的朋友们,其中有拍马屁的,冷漠的:当然,最招人注意的还有那些胆小怕事的。)
WHAT was it about Bob Taylor? He was an unassuming man, steady, phlegmatic, with a thick brush of white hair and a craggy outdoorsman's face.(鲍勃·泰勒有着一把厚厚的白胡子和一张饱经风霜的脸,生性淳朴,冷静而务实。)
"May I ask what that was?" said the Englishman with an expression of curiosity, which a close observer would have been astonished at discovering in his phlegmatic countenance.(英国人带着一种好奇的表情问道。他那冷峻的脸上竟会现出这种表情,一个细心的观察者见了大概会很惊奇的。)
The British character is often said to be phlegmatic.(英国人的性格常说成是冷漠的。)
Fast forward to the Huijin announcement this week, and the phlegmatic reaction of Chinese investors makes more sense.(而汇金本周宣布干预消息后,中国投资者的冷淡反应更为合理。)
He introduced our driver, Petr picha, a phlegmatic former trucker and hockey player from the Czech Republic, who waved wearily to us from the well of the driver's seat.(他向我们介绍了表情冷漠的巴士司机彼得皮查,他来自捷克,是一位前卡车司机和曲棍球员,彼得在他的司机座上向我们不耐烦地挥了挥手。)
In Pudong, the skyscraper district of Shanghai, office workers are calm and phlegmatic.(在上海高楼林立的浦东区,上班族们镇定自如。)
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