英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 15:44:16


英 [ˈplʌmɪŋ]

美 [ˈplʌmɪŋ]


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1. the occupation of a plumber (installing and repairing pipes and fixtures for water or gas or sewage in a building)

Synonym: plumbery

2. measuring the depths of the oceans

Synonym: bathymetry

3. utility consisting of the pipes and fixtures for the distribution of water or gas in a building and for the disposal of sewage

Synonym: plumbing system

1. (建筑物的)水管装置,水暖设备
The plumbing in a building consists of the water and drainage pipes, baths, and toilets in it.

e.g. The electrics and the plumbing were sound.

2. 水管工程;管道工程
Plumbing is the work of connecting and repairing things such as water and drainage pipes, baths, and toilets.

e.g. She learned the rudiments of brick-laying, wiring and plumbing.

1. 给排水:美国 engsysco 公司诚愿为优秀中国暖通空调制冷(hvacr), 给排水(plumbing) 和防火(fire protection) 厂商做北美代理. engsysco 公司位於美国密西根州,彼邻工业制造大本营底特律市. 美国和加拿大占据世界 hvacr ,plumbing,

2. plumbing的解释

2. 管工程:在水管工程(plumbing)的同时,我们的装修工程也在紧张有序地进行着,我们决定要在搬家之前做好下面的几项事情:房子内部的粉刷(Paint), 地砖, 地毯和地板,而根据工程的特点、具体房间和前期准备情况,顺序也是这么定的.

They had ensured the plumbing was overhauled a year ago.(他们确保管道设备一年前已被彻底检修过。)
She spent her life plumbing the mysteries of the human psyche.(她毕生探索人类心灵的奥秘。)
The equipment includes plumbing, electrical wiring, hot water, and air-conditioning.(设备包括水管、电线、热水和空调。)
Plumbing isn't fashionable. But the cloud is.(当管道工或许不时尚,但云计算的确时尚。)
Fortunately for him, his plumbing got stuck in the plumbing.(但是他男友很幸运,他的“下水管”在下水管道里卡住了。)
Then it's recycled back into the plumbing system.(最后,经过回收的水又流回了冲水系统。)
She learned the rudiments of bricklaying, wiring, and plumbing.(她学过一些砌砖、布线和管道工程的基本技术。)
Plumbing doesn't produce value; sinks with water coming out of their faucets do.(水管并不产生价值,带有能放出水的水龙头的水池能带来价值。)
The ladies tend to care about plumbing.(女士们似乎对管道非常在意。)
Housewife: Hello, Acme Plumbing?(家庭主妇:喂,Acme水暖部吗?)
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