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更新时间:2025-03-10 18:26:33



英 [ˈpɒntʃəʊ]

美 [ˈpɑ:ntʃoʊ]


名词复数: ponchos

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  • 雨披
  • 南美人的披风式外套
  • 斗篷
  • 庞乔斗篷(在方形织物正中开领口制成)
  • (无袖)雨衣
  • 穗饰披巾
  • 毯状斗蓬(南美人所穿,中间开洞,供头伸出)



1. a blanket-like cloak with a hole in the center for the head

1. (一种中间开有领口的)披风,斗篷,大氅
A poncho is a piece of clothing that consists of a long piece of material, usually wool, with a hole cut in the middle through which you put your head. Some ponchos have a hood.

1. 雨披:所以,1939年就设计出了新式的拼装组合野战帐篷(雨披(PONCHO)也叫雨衣)德军野战帐篷可以随时组合,随时撤卸并可单人来作为雨披(PONCHO)也叫雨衣使用,(这种雨披在后来的武装党卫军里大量配备)很使德军士兵们接受也在单兵作战中起到了不小的作用.

2. 披肩:在一个平凡而又浪漫的夜晚,在我男朋友南美洲的农场里,我和他两个人坐在客厅外面的草原上,披着当地人打猎用的大披肩(Poncho)在一边看星星一边聊着天,聊着聊着,他突然拿出了一个首饰盒,毛手毛脚的从里面拿出一只大小看似比较适合的戒指,

3. 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷):mantle, cloak 斗篷 | poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷) | sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克

4. 穗饰披巾:poncho cloth 防雨厚毛毯 | poncho 穗饰披巾 | Pond's cold cream 旁氏冷霜

Some schools have their kids put on a poncho or raincoat to stay dry.(有些学校给孩子们穿上斗蓬或雨衣来维持干燥。)
The poncho is made of nylon.(那些尼龙短袜是谁的。)
It's the Dodge City of one's imagination, a Paramount backlot come to life, albeit with internet cafes and poncho shops.(尽管街上有网吧和出售南美斗篷的礼品店,它仍是人们想象中存在于西部电影里的道奇城,现实生活中的派拉蒙外景地。)
It has the ability to transform itself and help you adapt to any situations - Use as a Towel, Changing Room, bag or Waterproof Poncho…all you need to do is…(它有能力把自己和帮助你适应任何情况下-使用的毛巾,更衣室,袋或防水雨披…所有你需要做的是…)
She had a brown spring jacket and brown cargo pants. Her brown hair was pulled into a pony tail and she wore a lavender poncho underneath.(茜尔维穿的是棕色春季夹克和棕色大口袋裤子,而她的棕色头发则被编成了个马尾辫,还穿着薰衣草色的雨披。)
Thee original pattern in the book was a baby poncho.(原本书上的织图是小宝贝的斗篷。)
When my dad there received a phone call, the in the mind is very worried, immediately push up grandpa's old bike, set on the poncho is on the way.(爸爸那边接到电话后,心里很是着急,立即推起爷爷的旧自行车,套上雨披就上了路。)
One poncho will take up minimal space.(一个雨披将占用最小的空间。)
Sign up for the Cave of the Winds tour, which begins after you change into a complimentary yellow poncho and sandals (trust us, you'll need 'em).(报名参加风之洞之旅吧,你将会获赠一个黄色雨披和一双凉拖(相信我,你会用得到)。)
Hey, why don't you get a newer poncho off a dead body?(为什么不从死人身上扒件新雨衣呢?)
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