英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 15:49:25



英 [ˈpɔ:tent]

美 [ˈpɔ:rtent]


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  • 凶兆
  • 预兆
  • 前兆
  • 征兆
  • 先兆
  • 怪事
  • 奇迹
  • 迹象
  • 预视
  • 异常的人
  • 奇物
  • 不祥之兆
  • 怪物
  • 预示
  • 异常之物
  • 警告
  • 令人惊异之事


1. a sign of something about to happen

e.g. he looked for an omen before going into battle

Synonym: omenpresageprognosticprognosticationprodigy

1. 预兆;征兆
A portent is something that indicates what is likely to happen in the future.

e.g. The savage civil war there could be a portent of what's to come in the rest of the region...
e.g. I hope this is a portent for the rest of the year...

1. portent什么意思

1. 征兆:porphyropsin 视紫质 | portent 征兆 | Porteus Maze 鲍德斯迷津

2. 前兆:portend 预示 | portent 前兆 | portentous 预示性的

3. portent的解释

3. 预兆:ported sub 带孔接头 | portent 预兆 | porter 搬运工

  • 经典引文

  • A cloud moved across the sun..and the cave was dimmed. It was like a portent of evil.

    出自:G. Lord
  • Even after receiving a forecast..I still search the sky for weather portents.

    出自:C. Francis
  • He will hear the magic rap of the willow wand, portent of death.

    出自:J. Uglow
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The savage civil war there could be a portent of what's to come in the rest of the region.(那里的野蛮战争可能预示着该地区将要发生什么事情。)
Betoken: to be or give a sign or portent of.(预示:做或给出记号或预兆。)
We have thrown all the light we could acquire upon the portent , and would gladly, now that it has done its office, erase its deep print out of our own brain ;(关于这件怪事,我们所能掌握的情况已经全都披露了,既然这一任务已经完成,而长时间的思考已在我们的头脑中印下了并非我们所愿的清晰印象,我们倒很高兴把这深深的印记抹掉。)
ET might be the important factor to cause vasoconstriction, resulting in the portent symptoms.(ET可能是导致血管收缩,引起先兆症状的重要因子。)
I see it as a portent of things to come.(我把它看作是将要到来的事物的前兆。)
There came a Saturday morning ugly with the portent of storm.(有一个星期六早上,天昏地暗,暴风雨将临。)
He feared this portent and tried to banish it from his mind, mollify it erase it-but it kept returning.(他害怕这个不祥的预兆,想方设法把它从脑子里撵出去,平息它,消除它——但是它总是返回来。)
Body has no falling flop of portent.(身体,毫无征兆的倒下。)
Behind the black portent of the new atomic age lies a hope which, seized upon with faith, can work our salvation.(后面的黑色预兆新的原子时代的希望所在,抓住与信仰,我们的救赎工作。)
The priests think its destruction is a portent that the gods will soon return.(牧师们认为它的毁灭预示着神很快将会归来。)
portent是什么意思 portent在线翻译 portent什么意思 portent的意思 portent的翻译 portent的解释 portent的发音 portent的同义词