英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:32:52



英 [ˈpri:sɪŋkt]

美 [ˈpriˌsɪŋkt]



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  • 周围地区
  • 郊区
  • 选区
  • 围地
  • 范围
  • 院落
  • 场地
  • 教堂周围的土地
  • 城市中机动车辆禁驶区
  • 领域
  • 分区
  • 区域
  • 附近
  • 分界
  • 附近范围
  • 会内
  • 院内
  • 境域内
  • 境界
  • 管辖区


1. a district of a city or town marked out for administrative purposes

1. (市中心的)步行商业区
A shopping precinct is an area in the centre of a town in which cars are not allowed.

e.g. The Centre was a pedestrian precinct with a bandstand in the middle.

2. (城市内的)管辖区,分区,警区
A precinct is a part of a city which has its own police force and fire service.

e.g. The shooting occurred in the 34th Precinct.

3. (机构的)境域,界域
The precincts of an institution are its buildings and land.

e.g. No one carrying arms is allowed within the precincts of a temple.

1. 选区:大选前夕,会在各选区(Precinct)招收选举官员. 包括选举文书(election clerk),选举法官(election judge)等,进行培训. 候选人为了保证投票过程的公正与合法性,会从自己的义工团队挑选机灵之辈担任监票官(poll watch). 本人2006年有幸得此重任.

2. precinct的近义词

2. 警察局:动画中会看到Toreno要CJ去载Sweet,所以一开始要先去警察局(precinct)载Sweet,接著Sweet坚持要回去Grove Street,载他回去之后要把本来的地盘抢回来,萤幕上会显示Sweet的血量,不要让他被挂掉了,而要把本来的地盘抢回来需要将所有的毒品贩子(dealer)干掉.


3. 区域,区,范围:precept 教训,箴言 | precinct 区域,区,范围 | precipitate 催促其发生,加速

4. 购物区:arcade拱廊市场 | precinct 购物区 | shopping mall 购物中心

  • 经典引文

  • The 18sths Precinct..took in..Times Square and..Hell's Kitchen.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Seid worked for years as a clerk in the New York Police Department's Fifth Precinct in Chinatown.(雷柏锐在位于华埠的纽约警察局第五分局当了多年的职员。)
Local Traffic Precinct, Drive Slowly.(地方交通区域,慢驶。)
I think it captures the reality of an inner-city precinct. ls this where you do the makeup?(我认为这样可以捕捉到内心最真实的表现。,是你布置的?。)
Within the confines of this precinct, a network of pathways and small alleys converges at a central square with restaurants.(在整个场地内,所有的路网和小巷都汇聚于配备餐厅的中心广场。)
The shooting occurred in the 34th Precinct.(该枪击事件发生在第34警区。)
By 2003, Morningside was the third-safest precinct in all of New York City.(直到2003年,学校所在的晨边高地附近已经是纽约市内第三安全的地区了。)
They were taken in a police van to the 60th Precinct station house for the lineup.(他们被警车拉往第60警区派出所以待进行嫌疑犯列队辨认。)
Thus, Shogunzuka in a precinct of Shoren-in temple in Kyoto is a place where the city of Kyoto which symbolizes Japanese cultures.(因此,京都天台宗派青莲院围地的京都将军冢是象征日本文化的所在地。)
Minutes from the 798 Art District, Third Diplomatic Precinct and Sanlitun entertainment area.(仅需数分钟即可抵达798艺术区、第三使馆区及三里屯娱乐区。)
ARM designed the combined library and museum on a prominent corner of Albury's Cultural Precinct.(设计师将图书馆和博物馆设在奥伯里文化管辖区显著的一角。)
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