英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:34:33


英 [ˈpremɪsɪz]

美 [ˈprɛmɪsɪz]



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1. land and the buildings on it

e.g. bread is baked on the premises
the were evicted from the premises

1. 房屋:而房屋(Premises)市场则占5%,2003年增长5%. Brown预计2004年城域和接入市场依然会保持强大的需求,而房屋市场也将因社区经济的带动而继续增长.

2. 前提:因为这个小说的细节,于是隐约想起来过去曾经读过的某本书里提到每一个论断都是被一个或者多个前提(premises)所支撑的,这些前提有些非常清楚而另外一些非常隐晦,有些非常合理而另外一些只不过是想当然的荒谬而已.

3. 建筑物:原告诉讼的重点是IBM没有把建筑物(Premises)按原样归还业主,因为IBM污染了部分土地. IBM要求法庭直接审判撤案,原告也动议要求法庭也直接审判IBM违背租约. 庭审法官拒绝了IBM的动议,但批准了原告业主的动议.

The company has just acquired new premises.(公司刚购得新办公楼。)
Each of the premises is an asserted sentence.(每一个前提都是一个主张的句子。)
Under state law, it is a misdemeanour to possess a firearm on school premises.(根据该州法律,在校园里拥有枪械是一种轻罪。)
Police were called to escort her off the premises.(召来警察护送她离场。)
The same applies to the furnishings and other contents of the premises.(这同样适用于房舍内的家具和其他物品。)
Unfortunately its premises are completely wrong.(不过,它的前提是完全错误的。)
And each one of the premises can be challenged.(而这里的每一个前提都可能站不住脚。)
Yes. Yes yes. And true premises false conclusion?(对对对,真前提假结论?)
Security forces are allowed to use what's called "necessary force" to maintain order and can search people and premises without a warrant.(安保部队被允许使用所谓的“必要武力”来维持秩序,他们可以在没有搜查令的情况下搜查人员和房屋。)
It has enabled the company to dispense with its business premises altogether, following the realization that it just didn't need them anymore.(在公司意识到自己不再需要这些商业场所之后,它让公司完全放弃了这些办公场所。)
premises是什么意思 premises在线翻译 premises什么意思 premises的意思 premises的翻译 premises的解释 premises的发音 premises的同义词