英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:41:57



英 [prəˈlɪfəreɪt]

美 [prəˈlɪfəˌret]

v.繁殖;增生;使 ... 激增;使 ... 扩散

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使 ... 激增
使 ... 扩散

形容词: proliferative 名词: proliferation 过去式: proliferated 过去分词: proliferated 现在分词: proliferating 第三人称单数: proliferates

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  • 【生】增殖,增生
  • 激增,猛增
  • 【生】分芽繁殖,细胞分裂繁殖,多育
  • 扩散
  • 增多,增加
  • 大量产生
  • 迅速发展
  • 迅速繁殖
  • 迅速扩大
  • vi. 激增;(迅速)繁殖;增生 increase in mumber rapidly;multiply
  • vi. 扩散 spread rapidly and widely


1. cause to grow or increase rapidly

e.g. We must not proliferate nuclear arms

2. grow rapidly

e.g. Pizza parlors proliferate in this area

1. 激增;剧增
If things proliferate, they increase in number very quickly.

e.g. Computerized data bases are proliferating fast...
e.g. In recent years commercial, cultural, travel and other contacts have proliferated between Europe and China.

...the proliferation of nuclear weapons...
Smoking triggers off cell proliferation.


1. 增殖:出于真相和能力(competence)方面的考我引用朱特教授当时所写的内容,为的只是以介绍的方式,来增殖(proliferate)那意的忽略?还是偶然的过失?横在谎言和未思之物之间的不真诚(bad faith)的暮光?抑,科内利乌斯?

2. proliferate的近义词

2. 增殖,增生:pinpoint为...准确定位;指出;确认 | proliferate增殖,增生 | proscribe剥夺...公权;禁止;排斥

3. proliferate的意思

3. 增生扩散 繁殖:495.organism 有机体 生物体 生物 | 496.proliferate 增生扩散 繁殖 | 497.phosphorus-based detergent 含磷洗涤剂

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • Rabbits proliferate when they have plenty of food.
  • Influenza proliferated throughout the country.
  • My interests seem to proliferate rather than narrow.

    出自:E. Roosevelt
  • With its..two million independent shopkeepers, its proliferating restaurants.

    出自:A. Massie
Without a Cloud governance system in place, unwanted running AMI machine instances can proliferate and cause unnecessary cost.(如果没有云治理系统,可能会运行更多不需要运行的AMI机器实例,从而带来不必要的成本。)
For example, an excess of certain proteins can cause cells to proliferate abnormally and become cancerous; a lack of the protein insulin results in diabetes.(例如,某些蛋白质的过量会导致细胞异常增殖并癌变;胰岛素蛋白质的缺乏会导致糖尿病。)
Despite the difficulties, investors assume such deals will continue to proliferate.(尽管困难重重,投资者认为这种交易仍将继续激增。)
Urban legends have been around forever, as fear of the unknown gets spun into macabre tales that proliferate with each person who hears them.(对未知的恐惧被编造成令人毛骨悚然的故事随之扩散开来,都市传言便一直流传在人群之间。)
Seeing shifts in design standards proliferate around the web is a bit like watching a herd of wilder-beast crossing alligator-infested waters.(眼见网页设计标准的激增就如同看着一群野生鳄鱼在水面厮杀般令人眼花缭乱。)
Magazines, books and CD-ROMs proliferate.(杂志、书籍和光盘只读存储器的数量也激增。)
In the corporate environment, it's easy for worksheet files to proliferate rapidly.(在公司环境中,工作表文件很容易迅速扩散。)
Now automated testing can proliferate across an entire test team - not just the subset of test automation engineers.(现在,自动化测试可以覆盖整个测试团队——不仅仅局限在只有测试自动化工程师才可以完成。)
Rather, miR-17~92 acts to help cells that lack the tumor-suppressing Rb protein to proliferate.(相反,miR-17~92是通过帮助缺乏肿瘤抑制Rb蛋白的细胞增殖而发挥作用的。)
Elephants are poached in central and east Africa but proliferate in the south.(非洲大象在东非和中非地区被捕杀,而在南非却繁殖过剩。)
proliferate是什么意思 proliferate在线翻译 proliferate什么意思 proliferate的意思 proliferate的翻译 proliferate的解释 proliferate的发音 proliferate的同义词