英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:49:02



英 [ˈpʊlpɪt]

美 [ˈpʊlpɪt, ˈpʌl-]


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  • 讲道坛
  • 教士
  • 牧师
  • 传教
  • 捕鲸标枪台
  • 高架操纵台
  • 讲坛
  • 布道
  • 标枪舌
  • 飞机驾驶员座位
  • 操纵台
  • 控制室
  • 小讲坛
  • 神职人员
  • 教士们
  • 教士职务
  • 高处围起的座位具体指操作间



1. a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it

Synonym: daispodiumrostrumambostumpsoapbox

1. 讲坛;布道坛
A pulpit is a small raised platform with a rail or barrier around it in a church, where a member of the clergy stands to speak.

1. 讲道坛:比萨洗礼堂(Baptistry)内的讲道坛(Pulpit)是尼古拉.毕沙诺被指派为洗礼堂所做的第一份工作,开始建造于1255年,直到1260 年才完成. 他在讲道坛上所刻的浮雕装饰,是从比萨墓园里的罗马石棺得到创作灵感. 这些浮雕几乎具有罗马雕刻的三度空间的风格,

2. 讲坛:门面是西元1502年的创作,但绿色的耶稣像却是1990的作品;大厅(Nave)与主教讲坛(Pulpit)走进挑高的大厅,哥德式建筑的坎特伯雷大教堂给人的是一种清丽脱俗的感觉,简朴的柱子烘显得精致木雕的主教讲坛更为华丽;

3. 讲道台:censer, thurible 香炉 | pulpit 讲道台 | stained glass window 彩色玻璃窗

He came into the pulpit, extended his hand, and said, 'Reverend, I liked your sermon.(他来到讲台上并伸出手说:“牧师,我喜欢你的讲演。”)
Her present gaiety sounded to him like laughter heard in the shadow of the pulpit.(在他看来,她现在的欢快简直就象在教堂讲坛的阴暗角落中发出的笑声。)
He toured the country making speeches, every rostrum a pulpit for the Gospel of pure food.(他在全国进行巡回演讲,每一个讲坛都充满宣讲纯净食品的声音。)
CT: Speaking from the patterns & practices pulpit, I have to be very careful on questions like this.(CT:从模式与实践上来说,在这个问题上我要非常小心。)
There is a white-spindled staircase leading to the pulpit.(有一个白色纺锤形的阶梯通往讲道坛。)
The golden tassels endow the pulpit with garishness and nobleness.(金色的流苏使整个讲道坛富显华贵,气度不凡。)
The time came for the sermon and he ascended the pulpit steps.(布道的时间到了,他迈上了讲坛的台阶。)
Get back in the bully pulpit and tell us what we need to do.(请你回到天字一号讲坛上,告诉大家需要做些什么。)
And he has what is called the bully pulpit.(他拥有所谓的讲坛。)
He used the bully pulpit of the presidency very effectively.(他非常有效地利用了总统职位这一扩大影响力的工具。)
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