英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:49:33


英 [ˈpʌntʃlaɪn]

美 ['pʌntʃlaɪn]



  • 网络解释


1. 头条笑料:1988年,汉克斯的票房口碑渐佳,同时还因<>(Punchline)和<>(Big)获得了影评人的好评. <>一片第一次为他赢得了奥斯卡奖提名,和第一座金球奖最佳男演员奖. 同年,洛杉矶影评人协会授予其最佳男主角奖. 2000年,

2. 名咀俏冤家:Punch, The 扮鬼扮马 1980 | Punchline 名咀俏冤家 1989 | Punisher, The 特警威龙 1989


3. 妙语如珠:- 1988 - Big - 飞向未来 | - 1988 - Punchline - 妙语如珠 | - 1987 - Dragnet - 法网恢恢

4. 故事、笑话等中的妙语;关键语:project 项目;工程;规划 (1) | punchline 故事、笑话等中的妙语;关键语 (3) | rank 等级;军衔 (4)

By the time Carter's trip ended, he had become the punchline for many a Polish joke.(到卡特结束他的波兰之行时,他已经成为了许多波兰人的笑柄。)
The forehead, maxim robbed many scenes, mainly the punchline? In him.(额,马克西姆抢了很多戏呢,主要笑点都在他身上。)
A good joke or a mystery novel has along wind up to the final punchline.(好的笑话或神秘小说都是一路曲折,直至最后的笑料或真相。)
Professor Reiss, of Stanford University in California, said: "Women appeared to have less expectation of a reward, which in this case was the punchline of the cartoon.(加州斯坦福大学的赖斯教授说:“女性对于回报的期待似乎更低,这在试验中相当于卡通画的笑点。)
When used before the punchline, a pause sets up the anticipation of "here comes the funny stuff!"(在笑点之前使用停顿,它可以造成“这里有好玩的妙语”的预期。)
The hotel has a variety of chamber design to satisfy different customer demands, design of the guest room with simple atmosphere, a bright color collocation do punchline.(图宁精品商务酒店设计有多种房型以满足不同类型客户诉求,客房设计以简约大气为主,搭配一抹亮色做点睛之笔。)
But you can not deny it is full of irony, just like the punchline of a lame joke.(但是你无法否认这个充满了讽刺,就好像冷笑话的笑点一样。)
It turns you from an actor to a punchline.(它把你从演员变为笑柄。)
Here's the punchline: the moment we can add methods to classes this "simple check" is not enough.(于是就有了这样可笑的事:在我们能够添加方法到类中的时候,这种“简单的检查”是不够的。)
For many people the idea of living under a rock might seem like the punchline of a joke.(对许多人而言,在岩石底下居住这一想法听起来像是笑话。)
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