英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 16:38:04



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名词: quaffer 过去式: quaffed 过去分词: quaffed 现在分词: quaffing 第三人称单数: quaffs

  • 英英释义

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1. a hearty draft



1. to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught

e.g. The men gulped down their beers

Synonym: gulpswig

1. 狂饮;痛饮;畅饮
If you quaff an alcoholic drink, you drink a lot of it in a short time.

e.g. He's quaffed many a glass of champagne in his time.

1. 痛饮:disaster 灾难 乱人砸死他 | quaff痛饮 | elixir 万能药 一粒克死

2. 大口地喝:quaestorship 刑事推事之职务 | quaff 大口地喝 | quag 沼地

3. 痛饮--夸父,追日极渴->痛饮:boff 狂笑--暴富->狂喜 | quaff 痛饮--夸父,追日极渴->痛饮 | sting 蜇、咬--死叮

4. 畅饮:pundit 权威人士,专家 | quaff 畅饮 | quixotic 不切实际的,空想的

  • 经典引文

  • The company quaff their wine.

    出自:Godfrey Smith
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Tourists quaff large amounts of the stuff but these days they are drinking cheaper, if not less.(过去游客们会痛饮大量的本地产葡萄酒,但近些日子,虽然他们还是喝得很多,不过他们会选择那些稍便宜的葡萄酒。)
Don't quaff the red wine.(喝红酒时不能干杯。)
"Mad men" reminds people of a world they have lost-a world where bosses did not think that "fun" was a management tool and where employees could happily quaff Scotch at noon.(《广告狂人》使我们想起一个已经消逝的年代,那时,老板们并不觉得“快乐”是管理的工具,那时,员工们可以在中午快乐地痛饮威士忌。)
While toasting, in response to raise wine cup, go to dipeptide highly critical kilowatt hour, stomodaeum"bottoms up" behind, quaff in one gulp alcoholic, or drink a moiety, or fairness of quantity.(在干杯时,应手举酒杯,至双眼高度,口道“干杯”之后,将酒一饮而尽,或饮去一半,或适当的量。)
Since restaurant owners cannot count on some other customers to quaff the rest of the bottle before the beverage sours, charging for the bottle is the only sensible thing to do.(因为在酒变酸前,餐厅老板无法指望其他顾客去豪饮掉瓶中剩酒,因此一瓶一瓶的出售是唯一明智的做法。)
His quaff, did a cup again then.(他一饮而尽,接着又干了一杯。)
Life tastes much the same, whether we quaff it from a golden goblet or drink it out of a stone mug.(无论我们是用镀金的高脚杯畅饮,还是用粗瓷缸牛饮,生活的滋味都大同小异。)
Yet, if death be in this cup, I bid thee think again, ere thou beholdest me quaff it.(不过,要是这杯药可以致我于死地,在你眼看着我一口吞下去之前,我请求你再想一想。)
We crave new knowledge like some people quaff coffee after a hangover.(我们渴望新的知识,就像有些人在酒后醒来要大饮一杯咖啡一样。)
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