英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:53:47



英 [ˈkwɒri]

美 [ˈkwɔ:ri]



名词: quarrier 名词复数: quarries 过去式: quarried 过去分词: quarried 现在分词: quarrying 第三人称单数: quarries

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  • 采石场
  • 猎物,被追猎的动物
  • 追捕的对象, 被追逐的目标,追求物
  • 菱形玻璃,方形玻璃
  • 丰富源泉,来源
  • 方形石,菱形石
  • 消息的出处
  • 机制花砖
  • 复仇的对象,寻找中的仇人
  • 石坑
  • 从(采石场)采(石)
  • 努力发掘,苦心找出
  • 从(书本等中)努力发掘
  • 方形的,菱形的


1. animal hunted or caught for food

Synonym: prey

2. a surface excavation for extracting stone or slate

e.g. a British term for `quarry' is `stone pit'

Synonym: pitstone pit

3. a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence

e.g. he fell prey to muggers
everyone was fair game
the target of a manhunt

Synonym: preytargetfair game



1. extract (something such as stones) from or as if from a quarry

e.g. quarry marble

1. 采石场;露天矿场
A quarry is an area that is dug out from a piece of land or the side of a mountain in order to get stone or minerals.

e.g. ...an old limestone quarry.

2. 开采(石料或矿产);在…开采
When stone or minerals are quarried or when an area is quarried for them, they are removed from the area by digging, drilling, or using explosives.

e.g. The large limestone caves are also quarried for cement.
e.g. ...locally quarried stone.

Farming, quarrying and other local industries have declined.

3. 追捕的对象;猎物
A person's or animal's quarry is the person or animal that they are hunting.

1. 采石场:选Councillor可以从8张牌里选2张,后续走紫色建筑路线还是生产建筑路线都可以2、紫色建筑流的不二组合:采石场(Quarry)+ 木工厂(Car

2. 石场:任务开始首先要到采石场(Quarry),到了之后要偷炸药(dynamite),时间只有2分半钟,不过炸药有用箱子装起来,所以要开卡车将它碾过,不用担心会爆炸,四个都收集到后,出口已经被警卫挡住,所以要改骑摩托车(dirt bike)走别条路出去,

  • 经典引文

  • When Joue's..bird from hye Stoupes at a flying heron..The stone dead quarrey falls.

  • In the white winter, rabbits are your quarry.

    出自:W. Bronk
  • The Hawfinch is shy and elusive, so..a far more challenging quarry than most rarities.

    出自:Bird Watching
  • The treatment of ancient philosophy as..a quarry for ideas to be developed in the light of modern theories.

    出自:Classical Review
  • In the mountains..they quarry out a white stone.

  • Roofed with grey stone slates quarried at Stonesfield.

    出自:Mollie Harris
  • An approximately square or rectangular chamber quarried in the soft bedrock.

    出自:Antiquaries Journal
The quarry does not view virtue and vice from the standpoint of the hunter.(猎物自然不会站在猎人的立场上去看待善与恶。)
While in prison, he performed hard labor at a lime quarry.(在服刑期间,他在石灰采石场里做着苦工。)
The hunters lost sight of their quarry in the forest.(猎人在森林里跟丢了猎物。)
We ended up in an abandoned quarry.(我们最后到了一个废弃的采石场。)
"Good," thought Huck, "they will bury it in the old quarry."(“好吧,”哈克想,“他们会把它埋在石坑里。”)
The trees in fact concealed an ancient chalk quarry, now half over?grown with thorn trees and vines.(这片树林掩住了一片几乎长满藤蔓和灌木的古老的采矿场。)
I stayed in a mansion, Villa Politi, on the edge of a quarry now overgrown with lemon trees and figs.(我住在一所大宅里,波利悌别墅(VillaPoliti)筑在曾经的采石场边缘上,现在长满了柠檬树和无花果树。)
More than 180 miles of quarry tunnels snake through the foundations of Paris, nearly all of them off-limits.(180多英里长的采石场隧道洞穿了巴黎的地底,这些隧道几乎没有尽头。)
Later, law enforcement vehicles crowded in front of agency offices as agents waited to unload their quarry.(不多久,FBI办公室门口就停满了探员们等待交付猎物的执法车辆。)
Quarry tiles are a popular kitchen flooring.(缸砖是一种流行的厨房地面材料。)
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